This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Ugochukwu Precious Ugomma Boyfriend, Baby Daddy, Son (Pictures) Love Story

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Precious Ugomma Ugochukwu's Baby Daddy

Details Of Precious Ugomma Ugochukwu Baby Daddy, Ex Boyfriend, Pregnancy, Son, Child, Love Story, Heartbreak, Pictures, Photos, Images, Husband , Married, Single Mother (Ugomma Precious Baby Daddy Pictures)

Precious Ugomma Ugochukwu Son And Baby Daddy (Child's Father)

Ugochukwu Precious Ugomma Baby Daddy

Who Is Ugomma Precious Baby Daddy & Ex Boyfriend?

Fast-rising Nollywood actress Precious Ugomma also known as Precious Ugomma Ugochukwu shared her love story with her former boyfriend and Baby Daddy.

Precious Ugomma Ugochukwu's Ex Boyfriend

Ugochukwu Precious Ugomma's baby daddy's name is Nazzy 'Cruise Daddy' aka Cruise Art. He is a young, handsome young man; an artist and an editor.

Cruise Daddy

Her child's name is Satya Chiziterem. The name Satyagraha is an Indian name she gave her son.

The relationship between Precious Ugomma and her former boyfriend turned Baby Daddy was a sweet one until he Impregnated her and abandoned her. He later came back to her but later stopped communications. He even demanded for a DNA test to confirm the paternity of their son, Satyagraha. She agreed, yet he couldn't take up his responsibilities. He is currently a deadbeat dad.

Ugochukwu Precious Ugomma is an actress in Nollywood, the Nigerian movie industry who is currently a fast-rising actress.

Ugochukwu Precious Ugomma took to her Facebook page to share her love story of betrayal, deception, heartbreak and break up, in May 2023.


This year, I will be 26 years older.

Yet, I do wonder and shade tears on how I got here.

I can't place my mind on what really happened, but all I can say is WELDON ugomma.

I know some of you would want to judge but I will share my story regardless.

Too many but pls just take your time to read…


Relationship has never been my thing. 
I Met my first love when I was about sitting for jamb. It was a platon!c relationship . Will I call it an infatuated love? Yes! It was a relationship without intimacy (puppy love). I was a v!rgin then and wasn’t ready to give it out.

Along the line. He tried forcing himself. He wanted s£x and I wasn’t ready. So we broke up.

Then I met my baby's father. We met here online. From the start,our relationship has been a tox!C and abus!ve one. But because I loved him, I chose to act like I was fine with him.

Well, it all started like this. I met this guy in June, can't remember the particular day but it was the year 2020. I met him here on this blue app. But before then, I had a group I manage, I ran that group with 4k members. This particular guy was my normal fb friend, I had to make him an admin of that particular group so we could run it together. 

So we started chatting, then after a few weeks, he asked me out which I boldly declined because I wasn't interested in any relationship as of then. He kept pestering me, till I gave in. I accepted him and we exchanged contact. We started talking on the phone. It was a long-distance relationship because, he base in Lag while I base at Awka here. We dated online for about 5months before we decided to meet.

I had to run a "get-together" party for the group members and it was just for the Anambra base. The "get-together" was held at Onitsha, and all group members attended including the guy. He had to use the opportunity to meet with me, we meet ourselves that day, had a conversation, and then I liked him.

We dated for six months without s£x. I created the boundary and allow things to go my own way. I wasn’t ready for s£x, despite how much I loved him. He tried to get his way so many times. Though he finally succeeded. He used marriage as bait. Not only did he get his way in between my legs, but he also deposited his sp£rm which resulted in pregnancy.

I became Preg and that same year, I had to drop out of school because I lost the one man who has been responsible for my education (my dad).

“Oooo no…this wasn’t what I planned for. I have failed!


I had to talk to my mum about it. She was totally disappointed and I was sent out!

I had to place my Baby daddy on call that very day. He begged me not to touch the preg that he was coming to do the necessary before it pops out. He spoke to my mum and begged her to take me back in.

My mum took me back in!
We closed up like noting happened. I wasn’t allowed to go out, I was locked up inside throughout. 

He came down. We had a family discussion and he apologized for everything. He asked my mum to prepare and wait as he comes with his people to do the necessary. My mum had to inform the “umu ṅṅa” that very day.

We waited patiently for them. 

In the end, we were disappointed. He never showed up nor did he call to give his reasons for not coming.

The last we talked on the phone was when he made mention of me “coming to swear “. He claimed not to be the father of the child.

And I accepted!

So after that discussion. I never heard from him again. He never called. he never sent money either.

I was close to delivering when his call came In. He apologized again and begged me to take him back. I did though… he sent 50k for me to get the necessary things the hospital requested for. Though I already got the stuff with the help of some online friends.

After he sent the money that very night. As usual, he went off. No call, no text, no money sent again.

After my delivery, he called. Probably he heard from some friends. He congratulated me and sent another 50k for the hospital bill and also promised to come down the next day.

It was now more than a month already. We didn’t hear from him. Not until my boy was 10 months. He came back, apologized, and asked us to accept him. Well, as a mom who needs the best for her child, I had to forgive him. I thought maybe everything was now going back to normal. Like, when we first met and how he ever treated me then. No doubt, he once loved me and ever treated me well, despite the relationship being abusive!ve one. He respected me a lot not until I got preg, and everything changed!

So, he came back. After all the set and done. ugomma decided to give this ungratef^l man another chance. 
He claimed he was back to mend things and finally bring us home. He said he came to do the needful.

That very day he arrived awka, I was at work. He already spoke with my mum first. As it is with my mum who wants her child to get married to avoid her being mocked by her friends, she had to call me. I left work that very day and hurried home.

We had a meeting, where he gave excuses for his stop!d acts. He asked for forgiveness and for another chance. I never wanted to give it to him, but I just needed to fulfill my mum's dream of ”seeing her first child with a complete family “. I forgave in.

That very day, he left my place and lodged in a hotel close. He requested I go with him so we could discuss more privately. I went with Satya (my child). Due to the busy schedule he had with friends, we didn’t get to discuss much that very day. The next morning,he requested I drop Satya home and come back. Well, I went home that day and gave Satya to my mum. I went back to the hotel.

Same busy schedule. He left me in that hotel room and went out with friends. Later at night,he returned back!. 

I was already feeling sleepy. So, no time for any discussion.
That night around 11 pm, he woke me up and requested for s£x. I declined though… I refused him touching me. He didn’t force his way in, he respected my decision!

It was now morning. I noticed his moody expression. He wasn’t giving me that bright look. I knew it was because of last night incident. I didn’t want to force a conversation, so I requested to leave since he wasn’t ready to discuss anything with me again.

After a few mins, he broke his silence “I will be going to Olu for something, once I come back, I will call you so we go together to Enugu. We are going there to see my senior sis. Then when we come back, we will arrange for your bride's prize. I will do everything before going back to Lagos”. 

Well, I responded with “ok”.

That day, I left!. I had to return back to work to avoid being sub-charged for absence. 

It was now four days gone, I didn’t hear from him. So,I had to call him. He picked and said that he already returned back to Lagos. “

What happened?”. I asked with all curiosity… and the reply he gave to me was “The attitude I showed him discouraged him”. That my refusal for having s£x with him that night was because I already have someone else in mind.

And I asked him.” Was that the reason you went back to Lagos “.

He replied me yes. 

I smiled… I was very much convinced that he came back for something else. And his intention for coming wasn’t for Good. 

I don’t see him changing.
The second time, he fücked up.

December last year. I remembered us fixing our issue and trying to make this right again.

Around last year December, he complained about the part where I did him wrong by sharing him online here.

I apologized and had to get all my stories of him deleted.

In that same December, he called. He said he will be coming to Anambra for us to settle and make things right again. If not for anything, at least for the child.

I agreed.

To cut the story short, he requested I do away with anything to have to do with social media before anything can happen between us.

I declined though and that was the the part we said goodbye to each other.

All those while we f!ght and makeup, he has been sending little funds for the child’s upkeep.

At a time, I wondered why he will be sending so little once in a while.

Lol, maybe, we wanted to use it as evidence to claim ownership of the child when the time comes.

I won’t be ready for his drama knowing fully well his trickish game.

I stopped him.

I asked him not to send his t!ny support anymore.

With or without him, I will take care of my child.

I made up my mind.


It has not been easy taking up the responsibility. Regardless,I will keep pushing.

All those times while he left his space absent. I have been the one filling them. 

Thanks to myself for being such an amazing mother and father to my child.

Social media has given me the opportunity to be a better woman and I’m glad I’m using it well.

Satya is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Only God knows how much I love that child.

I have every reason to be grateful for the ill-treatment life threw at me because out of it, I got a Gift( Satya).

Single mother or not…,I will never settle for less.

Ps: rooting for all single mothers out there, you are doing amazingly well.

Keep holding strong!

Be inspired! I love you.

Mummy Satya

Ugochukwu Precious Ugomma Warns Her Baby Daddy About Their Love Child

On 7 January 2024, Ugomma Precious Ugochukwu called out her baby daddy and gave him a serious warning!

She wrote:

Cruiseart Studio, pls stop pùshing me.

Stop going around telling everyone you are Satya’s Dad.

Enough guy.

All those years, where were you??

If there’s one thing you should start understanding now, cruise, we can’t be together again.

You didn’t contributed anything in Satya’s life, so you are not his father.

Don’t let me !nv0lve the pol!ce.

Pls stay offff.

We don’t need you again. I made it clear countless times.

She equally called out Cruise Daddy's mother.

Ugomma Precious Happy She Didn't Allow Her Ex Boyfriend Stop Her From Using Social Media

Ugomma Precious' son's father Cruise had wanted to ban her from using social media as a condition to get married to her but she refused. Today she is making money from social media and taking care of her child alone without her child's father's contributions.

She wrote:

Around last two years or more wey person son tell me say before e go marry me, I must delète Social media.

I keep imagining how my life would have turned out if I had accepted.

No doubt, I for don drop my third pikin' now, turn housewife, still follow de answer mama ejima.

He was a red flag no doubt.

Any man who can't supp0rt your dream is a MURDÈRÈR.

Times, Our disappointment can turn to appointment.

Forever, I remain grateful to God.

My story is a beautiful one.

In short, my face show, and my shoe shine❤️‍🔥

📸Mummy Satya

Ugomma Precious' Baby Daddy Cruise Celebrates His Son's Birthday (The Son He Rejected)

Cruise Daddy shared photos of his son he lifted from his baby mama's page and wrote: 

Happy birthday, son. ❤️❤️
God keep u and punish my enemies. Amen 🙏

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