This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

The Story Of Tchidi Chikere And Ini Edo Relationship (Photos)

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Tchidi Chikere And Ini Edo

Everything To Know About Ini Edo and Tchidi Chikere Working Relationship

Movie Director, Tchidi Chikere and Nollywood Actress, Ini Edo have had a good working relationship as Nigerian filmmakers.

Tchidi Chikere details his working relationship with Ini Edo on his new episode of 'My Nollywood Journey' on his Facebook page.

Tchidi Chikere met Ini Edo in 2004 when he was looking for a fresh replacement for Genevieve Nnaji for the cast of the movie 'Worlds Apart'. Genevieve Nnaji was stuck in Sierra Leone with Fred Amata and co filming a movie called Baibure Goes To War for a Major Abu Noah.

World Apart was a 2004 movie that shot Ini Edo into the limelight. The movie was Directed by Tchidi Chikere starring Liz Benson, Hilda Dokubo, Kenneth Okonkwo, Ini Edo and professor Laz Ekwueme.

Tchidi Chikere's full story about Ini Edo:

MY NOLLYWOOD JOURNEY: She will never be poor in this life. She will never be broke. You will never hear that she has gone down. Never! No way! Because she has a robust success mentality. A winning mindset. A goal mission focused mien. Let me tell you something; among all the actors, I know not one who comes close to her when it comes to drive or being a fighter. A winner. Make no mistake , almost all actresses have this spirit, but no one else comes close to her. I am talking of pretty ageless dark skinned Iniobong Edo. I will be talking about her today on my memoir. 

She has owned a bakery, a lounge, produced large hit movies, been a special adviser to her state government and oh, let me add that when I forayed into music long ago, she did end bit hook shout outs for me without charging a penny. She has a always had a dare very much in her own tradition, a dare I very much admire cos like me, she breaks rules , stereotypes and dares look and smile into the face of fixated society and wins converts! 

I met Ini in about 2004 when I was looking for a good and fresh replacement for Genevieve Nnaji for the cast of the movie Worlds Apart. Genevieve was stuck at n Sierra Leone with Fred Amata and co filming a movie called Baibure Goes To War for a Major Abu Noah- that movie never got released till today, I dunno why- So Genny could not return to Nigeria on time to take the role in Worlds Apart. I approached the executive producer Sunny Collins of Great Movies Industries ltd and I said, Let me cast a new girl for the role, we already have Liz Benson. Hilda Dokubo. Kenneth Okonkwo. Laz Ekwueme. Bruno Iwuoha. Geraldine Ekeocha. Louisa Nwobodo. Charles Awurum etc, so let me cast newer and fresher face to give us a good mix and fresh acting, because, you see, with established actors , the viewers already mostly know certain reactions to expect, like with Liz Benson, she would mostly make that sarcastic face and look away when she is angry, or glare at the opponent with glaring eyeball to eyeball when she is pissed.But with a fresh actor, you don’t know how their personalities play out and how much of this they bring in to own or personalize the character in the film script. Sunny asked, who do you have in mind? Long story short, Ini came on set and first day, I did the Tchid bad mouth, lol. I told her she cries from her nose not her mouth . She must have disliked me that day for that 😀 BUT she would tell me years later that she went back to her hotel and knelt down and prayed and said God you have seen what this man told me, as I go back on set tomorrow let me be my shine on and on. And so it was, God gave her a little extra than she asked for, because the next day she came back on set and after we went through the Aeroplane Tuo lum akpa ego ‘ line which led to her breaking her mother s water pot, she was fluid like fresh water in the role . She took over the role. She took over the set . She took her career and shaped it the way she wanted it to go. That shape became forever. That shape became her reality . It never stopped and does not look to stop . She made herself into what she wanted to be. The Ini Edo you have today. 

Many think these roads are easy. Many think these roads are by lucky chances. But I say , you are what you make of yourself. Ini is a role model in more than many ways and keeps charting new courses and navigating new waters by the day. 

Now does she deserve her roses? Methinks, YES and yes. Run go and come bearing her bouquet of red delightfully fragranced 🌹 roses!

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