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Details Of Tchidi Chikere And Olu Jacobs Story (Pictures)

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Tchidi Chikere And Olu Jacobs

Tchidi Chikere And Olu Jacobs Relationship, Throwback Photo

Nollywood movie director, Tchidi Chikere has shared his experiences working with Olu Jacobs on lots of movie sets in another episode of his Facebook series - 'MY NOLLYWOOD JOURNEY'.
Throwback photo of Olu Jacobs and Tchidi Chikere

Sharing a throwback picture of himself with the veteran star actor, Olu Jacobs, Tchidi Chikere wrote:

"MY NOLLYWOOD JOURNEY: Many older guys in the east at the time openly wondered why producers preferred to cast him as an Igbo chief! They said he was yorubanand had no fundamental understanding of Igbo culture, so Tchidi why are you casting Olu Jacobs for the Igwe role? What does he know about breaking kolanut and the traditional rites? Phew. I smiled and I cast him even the more and in more roles. Uncle Olu Jacobs is the best! Yes I said what I said. A gentleman to the core. Never seen him loose his cool or get angry in all the years I have known him and worked with him from Ijele in 1999 till date. 

He was the peacemaker on set, he didn’t give nobody no trouble. His age didn’t cause him to ever have any sense of entitlement or look down on us who started watching his movies as kids while he dazzled as inspector Best Idafa in the now rested NTA series The Third Eye; and are now directing him as his movie director. 

I once asked him Uncle Olu how old are you, and he looked at me and expectedly he gave me another of his wise responses. He said’ I SHALL NOT SEE SEVENY AGAIN’ I said so you are 71? He said ‘ I shall not see 73 again’ I gave up asking😀 

I must say I love older gentleman, all of them . I get close and I get wisdom cos I learnt long ago that wisdom comes from experience and what better experience than through the years? Olu Jacobs. Prof Laz Ekwueme. Uncle Justus Esiri. Uncle Pete Edochie. Uncle Enebeli Elebuwa. I was close to them all. I loved them and they loved me. Good old golden days! Back to Uncle Olu Jacobs. We did sooo many movies together , so many that I cannot even count. But the one I remember vividly was on the set of the movie, Boy Obi. 

He played with Mama G. I noticed my favorite actor Uncle was taking more time to get his lines.. sometimes he kinda struggled..

He had attended my daughter s Christening with his ever beautiful wife Aunty Joke. He was fine to me.. but few months later on the set of Boy Obi I saw him struggle to remember his line a few times. I knew age was doing his thing. Age will come to all of us with all his goodies and baggages. 

That was the last movie I filmed with him before a few years later I read or saw his wife’s interview and I knew what I had noticed was carrying on. Uncle Olu, acting now or not, Nollywood loves you!! There is not a single human in Nollywood who has had any contact with you that will say otherwise. I pray and wish you come back onscreen again. I wish you well I wish you love from those closer to you . No one is immune to the trials and tribulations of life . Just know that ‘if no be uncle Olu, it can never be Uncle Olu’ Your pedigree is rare, your breed is quintessential, your person is profound, your Charisma is Sublime! TAKE YOUR FLOWERS SIRE!❤️"

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