This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Baamitheultima (Baami) Biography, Age, Pictures, Wife, Real Name, Wikipedia, TikTok

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Everything To Known About BAAMI @baamitheultima (TikTok) Biography, Wikipedia, Net Worth, Girlfriend, Parents, Family, State Of Origin, Tribe, Height, Married, Wife, Wedding Pictures, School, Education, Siblings, Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Facebook Photos, Twitter, X, Images, Birthday, Date Of Birth, House, Cars, BAAMI Baami The Ultima Instagram Photos, Baamitheultima Head, Teeth, Eyes, Phone Number, WhatsApp, Contact, Instagram Photos
Baami (Baamitheultima) TikTok

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Baamithe Ultima

Who Is Baamitheultima?
Biography Wikipedia: Baami aka Baamitheultima (born 22 June) is a Nigerian comedian, content creator and Tiktok Personality based in Ibadan, Oyo State.

Baamitheultima is diminutive, a dwarf, has big head and teeth. He looks quite old - probably older than his real age. 

He is confident of himself and uses his looks to create content on social media platform - TikTok.

Baami (Baamitheultima) is on TikTok with the TikTok account @baamitheultima. He is still growing his account on TikTok. He currently has 78.1k followers on TikTok as at 6th June 2024.

Baamitheultima whose real name is Baami hails from Oyo State, Nigeria. He lives in Ibadan. He is Yoruba by tribe and a Christian by religion.

His net worth is about $10 US Dollars, estimated at about ₦10,000,000 Million Naira as at 2024.

Baamitheultima State Of Origin: Where is Baamitheultima from? Baamitheultima (Baami) is from Oyo State, Nigeria. He is Yoruba by tribe.

Baamitheultima Age: How old is Baamitheultima (Baami)? Baamitheultima was born on 22 June. His real date of birth and age has not been revealed. He celebrates his birthday on 22nd of June.

Baamitheultima Real Name: Baamitheultima real name is Baami. His full name is Bamidele. He is popularly known as Baami on TikTok.

Baamitheultima Parents, Father, Mother, Family, Siblings: Baamitheultima was born to his Yoruba parents into a Christian family. He has Other siblings, brother, sister whose identities are unavailable.

Baamitheultima Education
: Baami (Baamitheultima) is currently a third year student of The Polytechnic Ibadan.

Baamitheultima Married, Marriage, Wedding Pictures: Is Baamitheultima (Baami) married? No, Baamitheultima is not yet married. He is single. He has no child yet.

Baamitheultima Wife
: Who is Baami Wife? Baamitheultima (Baami) does not have a wife yet. He is single.

Fans want Baamitheultima (Baami) and Aunty Ramota to get married.

"I discovered how cute I am and I’m done searching" — Popular Tiktoker, Baamitheultima tells those asking him to marry his colleague, Aunty Ramota.
Baami (Baamitheultima) and Aunty Ramota

Baamitheultima Girlfriend; Who is Baamitheultima (Baami) Girlfriend? Fans want Aunty Ramota to be Baamitheultima (Baami) girlfriend.

Baamitheultima Net Worth: Baamitheultima (Baami) has a net worth of about $10,000 USD in 2024.

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