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Everything To Know About The EnyiCast App

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What Is EnyiCast App? Meaning Of EnyiCast App (Everything To Know About EnyiCast App)

EnyiCast App

EnyiCast App Launch

Enyi Media Founder/CEO Linda Obasi launches Nigeria’s premiere casting app.
Linda Obasi - Enyi Media Founder/CEO

EnyiCast was first built in 2007 as a website, a casting solution before the dawn of mobile apps. EnyiCast showcases talent profiles and provides a newsfeed of daily job posts from acting to modeling to crew work and more. 

In 2022, EnyiCast was rebuilt as a mobile app and is now available for all mobile devices.

Get more information about EnyiCast at 

Download the app at 

What does EnyiCast do?
It makes casting easy! 

Producers and directors can find the perfect cast and crew by posting casting calls and jobs on the app newsfeed and/or searching and directly contacting talent that matches their specifications.

Casting people can search Talent by criteria such as location, gender, age, height, language, even skin color and physique. 

Talent can create and maintain a free profile to showcase themselves including photos, video links and their bio. 

Over 25 to 40 jobs are posted on an average day nationwide and talent can browse these jobs for free on EnyiCast. 

To apply for the auditions or jobs, talent needs to subscribe. 

Is EnyiCast affordable?
Pricing is very reasonable at 750 naira for a one month subscription, #3500 for six months and #5K for one year. 

Only Talent needs to have an active subscription in order to apply for the auditions. Casting people can post jobs and search talent absolutely free. This pricing attracts many projects to the app because producers are able to post casting briefs at no charge.  

Talent profiles are always free so even without an active subscription, talent can always see the new daily casting calls and jobs. 

Casting apps are now the international standard for casting. From Hollywood to Bollywood, mobile apps are a part of every professional actor’s arsenal of career building tools. 

While word of mouth and social media groups are useful in casting, they can’t cover the detailed functionality of casting apps. 

EnyiCast streamlines casting and production staffing. 

Celebrate EnyiCast’s launch by using the half price promo code SUBOFF50 when you decide to subscribe this month. 

EnyiCast is the Starmaker.

You say you be actor, but you no dey EnyiCast? You neva ready.”


  1. Platforms and apps like this really simplify the job search process, especially for those for whom this is their first experience. Among the good solutions, Layboard is also worth mentioning. The platform always has job openings for different specialties, not just for people related to fashion and creativity.


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