Latest Instagram Photos: Rev Victor Adeyemi Bio, Wikipedia, Family, Children, Daughter, Son, House, Cars, Brother Sam, Wife, Marriage, Daughter Wedding, State Of Origin, Height, Birthday, Tribe, Hometown, Church, Messages, Phone Number Contact, Ministries, Pastor Victor Adeyemi Images, Facebook Photos, Ig Pics, Twitter, YouTube, Videos, LinkedIn, Interview, Global Harvest Church Founder, Net Worth, Spiritual Father, Grandchildren
History Of Pastor Victor Adeyemi: Everything To Know About Rev. Victor Adeyemi Profile, Wife, Children, Brother Sam Adeyemi, Parents, Father, Mother, Siblings, Daughter, Son, Messages, Global Harvest Church Founder, Net Worth, Church Address, Location, Contact, Victor Adeyemi Old & New Pics
Who Is Victor Adeyemi?
Bio Wiki: Rev. Victor Adeyemi (born 7 November 1968) is a Nigerian Pastor and the founder of Global Harvest Church.
He is the President and Senior Pastor of Global Harvest, a Pentecostal church with headquarters located in Lagos, Nigeria.
Pictures of Rev Victor Adeyemi
Rev. Victor Adeyemi Bio Profile Wiki Data Facts
Name: Victor Adeyemi
Nationality: Nigerian
State Of Origin: Kogi State
Hometown: Odo-Ere, Yagba-West LGA
Tribe: Okun Yoruba
Languages: English, Yagba Dialect, Yoruba
Place Of Birth: Mokuwa, Niger State
Date Of Birth: 7 November 1968
Birthday: 7th November
Age: 54 Years Old (In 2022)
Height: 6"0 Feet tall
Occupation, Career: Pastor, Author, Preacher
Books: Making Marriage Work
Church Name: Global Harvest Church
Net Worth: $2.5 Million US Dollars
Net Worth In Naira: ₦1,450,000,000 Naira
Marital Status: Married
Spouse, Wife: Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi
Number Of Children: 4 kids
Son: 1 (Arnold Adeyemi)
Daughters: 3
Daughter: Toyosi Oduyale nee Adeyemi
Son-In-Law: Mr. Oduyale
Parents: Mr and Mrs Stephen Adeyemi
Father: Elder Stephen Babatunde Adeyemi
Mother: Mrs Stephen Adeyemi
Siblings, Brother: Victor Adeyemi
Sister In-law: Nike Adeyemi
Nephew, Nieces: David Adeyemi, Sophie Adeyemi, Adora Adeyemi
Victor Adeyemi Blog:
Instagram: revvictoradeyemi
Education: Kwara State Polytechnic (Diploma Law)
Full Biography Of Pastor Victor Adeyemi, Career, Occupation, Church, Messages, Life History, Childhood Story, Family, Parents, Education, Marriage, Net Worth
Biography, Wikipedia: Victor Adeyemi is a Nigerian born Senior Pastor, General Overseer & owner of Global Harvest Church, an Evangelist and Church Planter.
Victor Adeyemi is originally from Kogi State, Nigeria but he spent the first 8 years of his life in Mokuwa, Niger State.
Rev Victor Adeyemi was born in the then Nepa hospital in Kanji that is New Bissau. His dad, Stephen Babatunde Adeyemi, worked with the Ahmadu Bello University research station in Mokuwa, Niger State. He was the head of the building and maintenance unit of the research section and they lived in the staff quarters at that time. The staff quarters were located in a village.
Pastor Victor Adeyemi advocates ideological based political party and selfless, patriotic political leaders to take people to the promised land where tenets of democracy are upheld and people’s fundamental rights are respected.
His passion is to help people discover and fulfill their personal purposes. His belief is that everyone was born to play a significant role in life, embedded in that is a sense of contribution that unlocks personal happiness.
Rev. Victor Adeyemi Church Name: is Global Harvest Church.
Pictures of Rev Victor Adeyemi Church, Global Harvest Church Headquarters In Maryland Lagos State
Pictures of Rev Victor Adeyemi Church, Global Harvest Church Headquarters In Maryland Lagos State
Global Harvest Church Founder & Owner: Who is the founder of Global Harvest Church? The founder of Global Harvest Church is Rev. Victor Adeyemi.
Global Harvest Church Year Of Establishment: When did Global Harvest Church start? Rev. Victor Adeyemi started Global Harvest Church on 30th September 1995 with his wife, Jumoke Adeyemi.
Church Address, Location, Contact: Rev. Victor Adeyemi Global Harvest Church Headquarters address in Lagos is located at 378, Maryland, Ikorodu Road, Maryland, Lagos, Nigeria.
Rev. Victor Adeyemi Church Email Address:
Rev. Victor Adeyemi Church Website:
Victor Adeyemi Ministries: About Rev. Victor Adeyemi Church, Global Harvest Church History
Global Harvest Church was inaugurated on September 30, 1995, by Rev Victor and Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi in response to God’s call on them to plant Evangelistic Churches that are committed to helping all members fulfil their destinies through the discovery, release and maximization of their God-given potentials.
Inside Rev Victor Adeyemi Church, Global Harvest Church, Lagos
In February 1986, during a week of consecration in fasting and prayer, Victor Adeyemi saw a picture of a worldwide soul winning and church planting ministry. With a passion for soul birthed out of this experience, he committed himself to a life of ministry. After obtaining a college diploma in law in 1989, he joined Rhema Chapel International Churches, Ilorin, Nigeria as a fulltime minister and became founding pastor of Rhema Chapel, Ibadan in September 1990.
He pastored the church for 5 years, planting two others in the City before resigning to establish Global Harvest Church. The church began at the Banquet Hall of Premier Hotel, soon the 500-Seater Hall was fully packed in 6 months and then the 1000-Seater Wallan Hall of D’Rovans Hotel, from where it moved in February 1998 to its permanent site in Ibadan.
Rev. Victor Adeyemi's wife, Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi is currently the senior pastor of Global Harvest Church, Lagos.
Throwback photo of Pastor Victor Adeyemi With my Global Harvest family in London, UK sometime in 2018.
Rev Victor Adeyemi Educational Background
Rev. Victor Adeyemi graduated from Kwara State Polytechnic and from there he went into the ministry with Rema Chapel.
Kwara State Polytechnic
Diploma Law
(1987 - 1989)
In an interview with City People, Pastor Victor Adeyemi said:
"Difficult times don’t last forever. When I finished secondary school as a teenage boy, I failed exams. I couldn’t make enough credits to further my education and poverty set in and my family could not even send me back to school. It was through the contribution of Christian brothers and sisters in the small fellowship that I was able to do GCE to now be able to put my results together and able to further my education. It was a very gloomy period for me as I was very depressed and even suicidal at that time, but thankfully I didn’t have the courage to take my life at that time."
Victor Adeyemi State Of Origin: Where is Rev Victor Adeyemi from, which state? Rev Victor Adeyemi is from Kogi State, Nigeria.
Rev Victor Adeyemi Home Town, Village, Native: Victor Adeyemi hails from from Odo Ere, Yagba-West Local Government Area of Kogi State, Nigeria.
Victor Adeyemi Tribe: Rev Victor Adeyemi is Okun Yoruba tribe. He hails from Odoere in Kogi State then Kwara State and now the Kogi State.
Their historical ancestry is from Oyo Ile in Oyo State. They are part of the tribe called the Okun people of Kogi State and they speak the Yagba dialect, a dialect of the Yoruba language.
Victor Adeyemi Date Of Birth, Birthday, Age: Pastor Sam Adeyemi was born on 7 November 1968.
Rev Victor Adeyemi Age: How old is Victor Adeyemi? Rev Victor Adeyemi is currently 53 years old. He will celebrate his 54th birthday on 7th November 2022.
Victor Adeyemi Height: How tall is Victor Adeyemi? Rev Victor Adeyemi is about 6"0 Feet tall.
Rev Victor Adeyemi Family, Parents, Father, Mother, Siblings: Victor Adeyemi was born into the family of Mr and Mrs Stephen Adeyemi.Picture of Rev Victor Adeyemi Parents
Rev Victor Adeyemi Father: Victor Adeyemi father is Stephen B. Adeyemi. He is currently 85 years old. His father will celebrate his 86th birthday on 30 June 2022.
Pastor Victor Adeyemi father is still alive and kicking and not dead.
Celebrating his dad's 85th birthday in June 2021, Rev Victor Adeyemi shared pictures of his aged parents and wrote:
"Happy 85th birthday to Daddy (Elder Stephen Babatunde Adeyemi). It has been a privilege to be your son for over 50 years. You gave us a legacy of love and selfless sacrifice and that we will pass down to our generations. May the Lord satisfy you with a much longer life in Jesus name. "
Victor Adeyemi Mother: Rev Victor Adeyemi mother is Mrs Stephen Adeyemi.
Rev Victor Adeyemi Celebrates His Mother On Mother's Day:
"Happy Mother’s Day to the gracious, selfless and loving mother who devoted her entire life to raising us. Thank you ‘Mother hen’ for watching over us all you could in every way. From your prayers to discipline, nursing us when we were sick and staying awake at night to kill and chase away moisquitoes sucking the life out of us. You were present always even when our children were born. May you keep aging gracefully and May you live many more years to eat the fruits of your labour."
Rev Victor Adeyemi Brother: Victor Adeyemi's elder brother is Sam Adeyemi, who is also a pastor.
Victor Adeyemi and Sam Adeyemi
Victor Adeyemi and Pastor Sam Adeyemi are related. They are biological brothers. Pastor Sam Adeyemi is the elder brother of Rev Victor Adeyemi. They both started their ministries and churches at the same time and year.
Victor Adeyemi is the Senior Pastor of Global Harvest Church while Pastor Sam Adeyemi is the Senior Pastor of Daystar Christian Centre.
On their age, Pastor Sam Adeyemi is a year and ten months older than Rev Victor Adeyemi, his younger brother.
Rev Victor Adeyemi was born on 7 November 1968 while his brother Pastor Sam Adeyemi was born on 3rd of February in 1967.
"Happy 55th birthday Egbon @thesamadeyemi
You continue to blaze trails, create new positive narratives and influence our generation with the Kingdom Values that your leadership models. Praying the heavens grant you many more years of selfless service to humanity and abundant rewards."
Rev Victor Adeyemi Married, Marriage, Wedding Pictures: Victor Adeyemi is married to Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi with 4 kids.
Rev Victor Adeyemi got married to Jumoke Adeyemi on 7 November 1992 at the age of 24 while his wife was 22 years old as at the time they got married.Pictures of Rev Victor Adeyemi And His Wife, Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi
Victor Adeyemi Wife: Who Is Rev Victor Adeyemi wife, name, age? Victor Adeyemi's wife is Jumoke Adeyemi. She is also a pastor and was born in 1970.
Rev Victor Adeyemi's wife, Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi is the senior pastor of Global Harvest Church, Lagos.
Photo of Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi, Rev Victor Adeyemi Wife
Pictures of Sam Adeyemi and His Wife, Jumoke Adeyemi

Photo of Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi, Rev Victor Adeyemi Wife
Pictures of Sam Adeyemi and His Wife, Jumoke Adeyemi
Wedding Anniversary: Rev Victor Adeyemi and Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi will celebrate their 30th marriage anniversary on 7 November 2022.
Celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary, Rev Victor Adeyemi wrote:
"The light in your eyes, the twinkle in your smile, the dimples that dot your cheeks, the spring in your steps, the strength in your voice and grit in your resolve, all combine to make you the quintessential Jummy I fell in love with over 30 years ago. It’s 29 years as man and wife and we’re still counting. With gratitude to God for the gift of you and the many blessings that have accompanied your union to me, I give thanks again and May the years ahead be as the days of heaven on earth, even as the past is made like the wilderness in contrast. I love you infinitely and absolutely
. Happy wedding anniversary to you and to me💋💋💋 "
"It’s another day to offer thanks to our Heavenly Father for gifting our world with a rare gem like you
, blessing this generation with such a prophetic voice as yours, favoring our children with an Amazon of a mother and pampering me with a rock like you. Like wine, you grow finer and sweeter by the day. I am assured the best is yet to come. Your greater glory will yet unfold and God will amplify your voice, increase your greatness and comfort you on every side. Many happy returns my love 💖🥰😍💕💋💋"
Rev Victor Adeyemi Celebrates His Wife On Mother's Day
"Happy Mother’s Day to the rock of our family. Walter Trobisch in his book ‘I married you’ taught bachelors to ask while making a choice of a life partner, ‘Would I want this woman to be the mother of my children?’. I thought hard and answered in the affirmative. Thank you for proving me right. Your love for God, compassion for the needy, chastity and devotion to family are reflecting on our children. May your rewards be immeasurable
💕💕💕 "
Rev Victor Adeyemi Children, Son, Daughters: Victor Adeyemi has 4 children - 3 daughters and 1 son.
The names of Rev Victor Adeyemi children are, Toyosi Adeyemi, Arnold Adeyemi, and others.Pictures of Rev Victor Adeyemi Children
Picture of Rev Victor Adeyemi Second Daughter With Her Husband & Child
Photo of Rev Victor Adeyemi First Daughter, Toyosi Adeyemi
Photo of Rev Victor Adeyemi First Daughter, Toyosi Adeyemi
Victor Adeyemi first daughter, Toyosi Adeyemi got married to Mr. Oduyale on 30th August 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.Picture of Victor Adeyemi And His Wife, Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi At their Daughter's Wedding
Rev Victor Adeyemi Son, Name, Pictures: The name of Victor Adeyemi only son is Arnold Adeyemi.Photos of Rev Victor Adeyemi And His Son, Arnold Adeyemi
Pictures of Arnold Adeyemi, Rev Victor Adeyemi Son
Pictures of Arnold Adeyemi, Rev Victor Adeyemi Son
Rev Victor Adeyemi Grandchildren: Victor Adeyemi has granddaughters and Grandson.
Throwback Photos Of Rev Victor Adeyemi: Here are some old Throwback pictures of Victor Adeyemi.Old Throwback photo of Victor Adeyemi And Pastor Jumoke Adeyemi
Rev Victor Adeyemi (Global Harvest Church) Net Worth 2022, 2021 Forbes, Dollars, Naira
How much is Victor Adeyemi net worth?
Rev Victor Adeyemi net worth is about $2.5 Million US Dollars in 2022.
Rev Victor Adeyemi House And Cars: Victor Adeyemi lives in a mansion and drives nice cars.
Pictures of Rev Victor Adeyemi Cars and House
Pictures of Rev Victor Adeyemi Cars and House
Victor Adeyemi Instagram: Rev Victor Adeyemi instagram Page Account Profile Handle is revvictoradeyemi.
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Handsome photo of Pastor Victor Adeyemi
Who is Victor Adeyemi?
Who is the founder of Global Harvest Church?
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Victor Adeyemi Ministries
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