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Calvin Bassey Biography, Age, Pictures, Wife, Parents, Family, Net Worth Salary

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Latest Instagram Photos: Calvin Bassey Ughelumba Bio, Wikipedia, Girlfriend, House, Cars, Salary, Net Worth, Family, State Of Origin, Brother, Mother, Father, Height, Siblings, Birthday, Marriage, Married, Child, Education, Hometown, Religion, Contact Phone Number WhatsApp, Nationality, Country Of Origin, Calvin Bassey Images, Ig Pics, Facebook Photos, Twitter, Interview, YouTube, Video

History Of Calvin Bassey: Everything To Know About Calvin Bassey Ughelumba Profile, Girlfriend, Parents, Family, Net Worth, House, Cars, Brother, Mother, Father Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba, Siblings Brothers, Ebere Bassey Etim

100 Pictures, Photos, Images Of Calvin Bassey aka Calvin Ughelumba

Who Is Calvin Bassey?

Calvin Bassey whose real name is Calvin Ughelumba (born 31 December 1999) is a Nigerian professional footballer who plays as a defender for Scottish Premiership club Rangers and Super Eagles, the Nigerian National team.

Calvin Ughelumba popularly known as Calvin Bassey was born in Italy to Nigerian parents on 31st December 1999 and he's eligible to play for Italy, Nigeria or England at international level.

Pictures of Calvin Bassey

Photos of Calvin Bassey Ughelumba
Calvin Bassey was only 6 years old when his father abandoned his mum and his 3 other brothers in Italy where he was born.

His mother had to move to the UK with her 4 sons settling in one of the roughest parts of London called “Newham”, a place Bassey said at the time was like a “War Zone”.

Calvin Bassey Profile Bio Wiki Data Facts

Name: Calvin Bassey

Real Birth Name: Calvin Ughelumba

Full Name: Calvin Bassey Ughelumba

Nationality: Nigerian

Place Of Birth: Aosta, Italy

Citizenship: Nigerian, Italian

State Of Origin: Anambra State

Hometown: Umunnamehi Ihiala

LGA: Ihiala Local Government Anambra

Tribe: Igbo

Religion: Christian

Date Of Birth: 31 December 1999

Birthday: 31st December

Age: 23 Years Old (In 2022)

Height: 6 Feet Tall (1.85 m)

Occupation, Career: Athlete, Footballer

Position: Left-back, Centre-back

Net Worth: $3 Million US Dollars

Net Worth In Naira: ₦1,710,000,000

Salary Weekly Wage: £4,230

Salary Annually: £230,000

Relationship, Marital Status: Single

Married: No

Spouse, Wife: None

Children, Child: None

Girlfriend: Dating

Family: Ughelumba Family

Parents: Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba, Ebere Bassey Etim

Father: Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba

Mother: Ebere Bassey Etim

Siblings: 3 Brothers

Brothers Names: Elvis, Micheal and Matthew Ughelumba

Instagram: cbasseyy

Facebook: Calvin Bassey

Twitter: Calvin Bassey @CalvinBassey

Full Biography Of Calvin Bassey Ughelumba Career, Occupation, Life History, Childhood Story, Family Background, Parents Divorce, Marriage, Father, Mother, Brothers

Biography, Wikipedia: Calvin Bassey (born 31 December 1999) is an Italian born Nigerian professional footballer who represents Scottish Premiership giants, Rangers. He ​initially rose through the youth ranks at Leicester City before joining the Gers in 2020.

Calvin Ughelumba was born by Nigerian parents in Aosta, Italy, on December 31 1999. He moved to England with his mother.

He joined the youth team of Leicester City in 2015 after passing their trials. He was there for years before signing for the Rangers in the summer transfer window of 2020.

Before Calvin Bassey's Super Eagles invitation, he was also eligible to represent England and Italy at international level.
Pictures of Calvin Bassey in action in the field

Calvin Bassey Position: What is Calvin Bassey's Position? Calvin Bassey's positions are Left-back, Centre-back.

Reacting to a post titled 'Calvin Ughelumba praises Leyton Orient coach Carlos Santos, plus Leicester City boss Claudio Ranieri', 
CM Futsal Academy - CMFA put the records straight about Calvin Ughelumba's career development and childhood, on June 10, 2020 and wrote on Facebook:

"We would just like to clarify and set the record straight as there are so called academies trying to take credit on Calvin Bassey's signing to Rangers FC from Leicester City FC when in fact they never had any progress or development in his career. Calvin was a CM Football player at the age of 12 years old and in school year 8 till the age of 16 years. He was with CM Football academy for 4 years before he signed for Leicester. 

We helped him develop and guide him to be where he is as much as we could. At no point in time did Calvin play at Hackney Marshes as it is claimed. He played for CM Football Academy in Market Road league. As you can see from an article that Calvin gave Newham Recorder he mentions who he is thanking for helping him, who he was signed for and who he played for and that was CM Football Academy only. He mentions no other academies.

Calvin came to visit our Academy Director and said its not right what has been said in a particular article by an academy as they want to take credit for his development. 
Deep down Calvin and his family know exactly who was there to support him and help him to become the player he is today as he has thanked us on numerous occassions and has said he will never forget that.

We just find it disrespectful that some academies have not developed, guided or supported Calvin and now wants to take full credit."

Calvin Bassey Nationality, Country Of Origin: Where is Calvin Bassey from, which country? Calvin Bassey is Italian and Nigerian. He has dual citizenship.
Photo as Calvin Bassey Lands In Nigeria

Photo of Calvin Bassey Training With The Nigerian Super Eagles

Calvin Bassey Italian: Is Calvin Bassey Italian? Yes, Calvin Bassey is Italian by birth but he is originally from Nigeria by descent. His both parents are from Nigeria.

Calvin Bassey State Of Origin: Calvin Bassey is from which state in Nigeria? Calvin Bassey is from Anambra State, Nigeria.

Calvin Bassey Home Town, Tribe, Village, Ethnicity: Calvin Bassey originally hails from Umunnamehi village in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State, Nigeria.
Calvin Bassey is Igbo by tribe, from A town in Ihiala LGA, Anambra State, South East part of Nigeria.

Calvin Bassey Date Of Birth, Birthday, Age: When was Calvin Ughelumba born? Calvin Bassey was born on 31 December 1999.

Calvin Bassey Age: How old is Calvin Bassey? Calvin Bassey is currently 22 years old in 2022. Calvin Bassey Ughelumba will celebrate his 23rd birthday on 31st December 2022.

Calvin Bassey Height and Weight
Height 1.85 m, Weight 76 kg

Calvin Bassey Height In Feet: How tall is Calvin Bassey? Calvin Bassey is 6"0 Feet Tall.
Calvin Bassey is tall, dark and handsome.
Pictures of Calvin Bassey Standing At 6"0 Feet Tall Height

Calvin Bassey Hairstyles: Calvin Bassey rocks stylish hairstyles, haircut, dreadlocks.
Pictures of Calvin Bassey Hairstyles

Calvin Bassey Tattoo: Calvin Bassey doesn't have a tattoo on his body.

Calvin Bassey Sexuality, Sexual Orientation: Is Calvin Bassey Gay, Bisexual Or Straight? Calvin Bassey is straight. He has a girlfriend he is dating.

Calvin Bassey Personal Life

Calvin Bassey and Calvin Ughelumba: Name Change & Controversy

Why Calvin Bears Bassey Instead of Ughelumba as his Surname

Calvin Bassey's father, Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba told Totori News after Calvin signed for Rangers FC in 2020 that he had issues with Calvin Bassey's mother and ever since his mother denied access to Calvin.

All efforts by Calvin Bassey dad to reconcile with Calvin’s mother failed, as his mother, Ebere Bassey Etim had custody of Calvin and his three brothers.

Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba who lives in Italy said his wife, Calvin Bassey's mother changed their surname from Ughelumba to Bassey, her maiden name.

This very issue happened in 2008. The judge told us to go home and settle the matter as a family, but she denied me and that is the reason that I have not been able to have access to my children." Ughelumba told Totori News.

Calvin Bassey Family, Parents, Father, Mother, Siblings, Brother, Sister: Calvin Bassey is the second child and son of his parents, born in Italy into the Ughelumba family. He has other sibling brothers. Calvin Bassey and his brothers live with her mother due to family problem and separation.

Calvin Bassey Parents: Who are Calvin Bassey parents, names, pictures, Nationality? Calvin Bassey parents names are Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba and Ebere Bassey Etim.
Calvin Bassey parents are separated and later divorced. His both parents are from Nigeria.
Pictures of Calvin Bassey Parents

Calvin Bassey Father: Who Is Calvin Bassey Father? Calvin Bassey father's name is Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba. He is an Igbo man from Anambra State but lives in Italy.
Photo of Calvin Bassey and his Father, Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba

Who Is Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba? Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba is a Nigerian born migrant from Anambra State who lives in Italy. He is the father of Calvin Bassey, the Football star also known as Calvin Ughelumba. He is a father of 4 sons.
Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba and his estranged wife, Ms Bassey are divorced. They went to court for child custody but his ex wife now has all their children with her and changed their kids Surname from Ughelumba to her maiden name, Bassey.
Pictures of Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba, Calvin Bassey Father

Calvin Bassey's Father, Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba Wants To Reconcile & Reunite With Him

Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba, the Nigerian father of Glasgow Rangers defender hopes to reconcile with his son, Calvin Bassey.
It is the desire of every father to see his son climbing the ladder of success, but it could also be very sorrowful for a father to be shut out from such lofty achievements. 
This is the travail of Kingsley Ikenna Ughelumba, the father of Calvin Bassey, who signed for Glasgow Rangers of Scotland during the transfer window in the summer of the year 2021. 

Calvin Bassey Mother: Who Is Calvin Bassey Mother? Calvin Bassey mother's name is Ebere Bassey Etim. She is Efik by tribe and hails from the South South part of Nigeria.
Calvin Bassey and his siblings stay with their mother who changed their Surname from Ughelumba to her own maiden name, Bassey.
Photo Of Calvin Bassey Mother, Ebere Bassey Etim

Calvin Bassey Siblings, Brothers: Calvin Bassey has 3 siblings brothers. The names of Calvin Bassey Siblings, brothers are Elvis, Micheal and Matthew.
1 Elvis Ughelumba
2 Micheal Ughelumba
3 Matthew Ughelumba

But, Calvin Bassey's mum changed their surname from Ughelumba to Bassey, her own father's name:
1 Elvis Bassey
2 Micheal Bassey
3 Matthew Bassey

Calvin Bassey Brother: Who Is Calvin Bassey brother? Calvin Bassey's elder brother is Elvis Ughelumba. Calvin Bassey cites his older brother, Elvis, as one of his biggest influences when he was growing up and his earliest football memories are of playing for Colegrave Primary School.

Calvin Bassey Married, Marriage, Wedding Pictures: Is Calvin Bassey Married? No, Calvin Bassey is not yet married to any wife. He is single.

Calvin Bassey Wife: Who Is Calvin Bassey Wife, Name, Pictures? Calvin Bassey has no wife yet as he is still unmarried.

Calvin Bassey Girlfriend: Who Is Calvin Bassey Girlfriend, name, Age, Pictures? Calvin Bassey has a girlfriend he is in a relationship with but he keeps the identity of his girlfriend and lover private.

Calvin Bassey Relationship, Dating, Engagement, Engaged, Fianceé: Calvin Bassey is in a relationship but keeps the identity of the girl he is dating off social media.

Calvin Bassey is not engaged and has no fianceé for now.

Calvin Bassey Ughelumba Net Worth 2022, 2021, Forbes, Dollars, Naira, Salary, Wage, Income

Calvin Bassey Net Worth: How much is Calvin Bassey Net Worth?
Calvin Bassey Net Worth is about $3 Million US Dollars in 2022, 2021.

Calvin Bassey Ughelumba Net Worth In Naira: is about ₦1,710,000,000 Naira.

Calvin Bassey Salary: How Much does Calvin Bassey Ughelumba Earn As Salary, Wage Per Week, Yearly?
Calvin Bassey Salary Weekly: Calvin Bassey earns £4,230 as weekly salary at Rangers FC.
Calvin Bassey Salary Yearly, Annually: Calvin Bassey earns £230,000 as salary per annum at Rangers FC.

Calvin Bassey House and Cars, Mansion
Calvin Bassey lives in a nice house and drives nice cars.

Calvin Bassey Phone Number WhatsApp Contact: Calvin Bassey can be contacted via his Instagram page Account Profile Handle or Twitter Account.

Calvin Bassey Instagram: Calvin Bassey Instagram page Account Profile Handle is cbasseyy.

Calvin Bassey Pictures Galleries: Here are Random Photos, Images, Pics Of Calvin Bassey Ughelumba

Is Calvin Bassey Italian?
Who does Bassey play for?
Calvin Bassey parents
Calvin Bassey state of origin
Calvin Bassey net worth
Calvin Bassey Nigeria
Calvin Bassey Biography
Calvin Bassey family
Calvin Bassey brother
Calvin Bassey salary
Image of Calvin Bassey Nigeria
Calvin Bassey Nigeria
Calvin Bassey mother
Calvin Bassey salary
Calvin Bassey age
Calvin Bassey height
Calvin Bassey stats
Calvin Bassey bulge
Calvin Bassey height and weight
Calvin Bassey instagram
Calvin Bassey Transfermarkt
How old is Calvin Ughelumba?
When was Calvin Ughelumba born
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