Rev Fr James Anelu Biography, Pictures, Age, State, Igbo Songs Ban, Suspension

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Rev Father James Anelu Latest Photos, Bio, Wikipedia, State Of Origin, Net Worth, Suspension Letter, Igbo Songs Ban, Church Parish, Hometown, Wife, James Anelu Images, Facebook, Instagram Photos, Twitter, Ig Pics, News, House, Cars, Family, Parents, Birthday

History Of James Anelu: Everything To Know About Catholic Priest Rev. Fr. James Anelu Profile, Suspension, Igbo Songs Ban, Net Worth, Family, Parents, Educational Background, Career

Who Is James Anelu?

Rev Fr James Anelu is a Nigerian born Reverend Father, The Parish Priest of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Ewu-Owa Gberigbe in Ikorodu, Lagos, who was suspended by the Catholic Church for banning Igbo songs and choruses in his parish.

Father James Anelu Profile Bio Data Wiki Facts

Name: James Anelu

Nationality: Nigerian

State Of Origin: Edo State

Tribe: Bini - Edo

Occupation, Career: Catholic Priest

Net Worth: $200,000 US Dollars

Married: No

Children: None

Girlfriend: None

Father James Anelu Career, Occupation, Life History, Story, Background, Ordination, Suspension, Tribal Scandal

Biography, Wikipedia: James Anelu is a Rev. Fr. and The Parish Priest of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Ewu-Owa Gberigbe in Ikorodu, Lagos.

Rev. Fr. James Anelu was ordained as a Catholic Priest on 20 November 2001 at the Auchi Diocese in Edo State, Nigeria. He was later transferred to Lagos State.

Rev. Fr. James Anelu 20 Years Ordination Anniversary: Father James Anelu celebrated his 20th priestly Ordination anniversary on 20th November 2021.

Celebrating Rev. Fr. James Anelu's Ordination anniversary, Facebook user, Kunle Tony Oyekanmi shared photo of Rev. Fr. James Anelu  and wrote:

'Today is the day the Lord has made,we are glad and blessed to felicitate with our amiable and spiritual Director Very Rev. Fr. James Anelu, 

Deanery Chaplain of CMON Ijede Deanery on the auspicious occasion of his 20th Year Priestly Ordination Anniversary today. On behalf of the Executive Committee, Parish Chairmen and all the good men of CMON Ijede Deanery, I heartily congratulate you and wish you many more years in the Lord's vineyard, May you continue to draw strength from the maternal guidance of Mary,Queen and Mother. 

We appreciate your spiritual guidance and support which is manifesting in all our achievements and progress in the Lagos Archdiocese. Ad Multos Annos! Prince 'Kunle Tony Oyekanmi. Deanery Coordinator. CMON Ijede Deanery."

Rev. Fr. James Anelu And Igbo Songs Banning Scandals

Rev. Fr. James Anelu is currently involved in tribalism, tribal scandal following his ban on Igbo songs and choruses in his Catholic Church Parish in Lagos.

Picture of Rev. Fr. James Anelu Church Parish In Lagos

Father Anelu banned Igbo songs and choruses in his parish, arguing that the excesses of Ndigbo must be contained.

It was learnt that Rev Father James Anelu had angrily stopped a soul-lifting chorus in Igbo language during the second collection, noting that Igbos cannot keep dominating other people in his Catholic parish.

Rev. Fr. James Anelu cited the case of his Benin Diocese where Igbos dominate to the point of becoming the Bishop in person of Akubueze.

Rev. Fr. James Anelu said that the spirit of God in any place recognises only languages indigenous to that geographical location.

On saying this, the entire congregation went up in tumultuous uproar, leading to abrupt dismissal as people massively walked out of the Mass.

Rev. Fr. James Anelu Video Banning Igbo Songs In Church: Here is the video of father Anelu banning Igbo songs in his Catholic Church Parish in Lagos. Watch Video below,

Suspension: Rev. Fr. James Anelu Suspension Letter From The Catholic Church

The suspension letter of James Anelu reads:

Archdiocese of Lagos 

a: 19, Catholic Mission Street, Lagos. P. O. Box 8, Marina Lagos. Tel/Fax: 01-8448669 e:,

7th February, 2022 


It has been brought to our notice that Rev. Fr, James Anelu, the Priest-in-Charge of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Ewu-owa, Ikorodu, made some completely unacceptable comments about Igbo songs being sung in the Church and unsavoury remarks that do not represent the Catholic Church's position on common brotherhood of peoples of all tribes and religions.

For this reason he has been asked to proceed on an indefinite leave of absence to give an opportunity for a thorough investigation of all the matters relating to his ministry in the parish.

The leave of absence takes effect from Tuesday, 8th February, 2022 till further notice 

We therefore urge all Catholic faithful to hold on to the faith and continue in our worship 

of God as one big family united in love and not separated by language, culture or race.

Alfred Adewale Martins 

Archbishop of Lagos 

Rev. Fr. James Anelu Age, Date Of Birth, Birthday: How old is Rev. Fr. James Anelu? Father James Anelu age and date of birth are not available at the moment.

Rev. Fr. James Anelu State Of Origin, Home Town, Tribe: Where is father James Anelu from? Rev. Fr. James Anelu hails from Edo State, Nigeria.

Family, Marriage, Children, Wife: Is Rev. Fr. James Anelu married? No, Rev. Fr. James Anelu is not married and doesn't have a child as Catholic priest are not allowed to get married.

Rev. Fr. James Anelu Net Worth: How much is Father James Anelu net worth?

Rev. Fr. James Anelu net worth is about $200,000 US Dollars in 2022.

Rev. Fr. James Anelu Posts, Articles, News 

Twitter user, Conversation SLIMZADDYJAY

@JaySlim1_ reacting to the suspension of Reverend Father James Anelu's suspension wrote:

"How true is this? Why will he make such comments during the holy mass? Even in Auchi Diocese were he was ordained we sing Igbo songs.

 I know Rev. Fr. James Anelu ordained 20-10-2001 Alongside Rev. Fr. Ikhane as priests of Auchi Diocese, was he Transferred to Lagos?"

On Fr James Anelu By Father Kelvin Ugwu

You may have heard of the Catholic priest in Lagos Nigeria, Fr James Anelu, who last Sunday 6th of February was said to have stopped the choir from singing Igbo songs in the church in Ikorudu for reason(s) best known to him.  

You may have read from different people their interpretations of his action, especially the racist and tribal connotations in it.

You may have also read the letter from the Archbishop of Lagos (attached to the post), where he responded promptly by giving him an indefinite leave of absence starting from today.

What that means is that Fr Anelu cannot celebrate public Masses or be in charge of any parish in the catholic church as a whole until the Archbishop concludes his investigation and possibly reinstate him (not without conditions).

Now, I am not writing this to start an argument on how so and so hates Igbos, and how so and so are intimidated by Igbos or to use it to fuel the Biafra agitation. I am not also writing this to push away other explanations where it was said that the priest did not ban Igbo songs, only that he is not at home with one particular song and the meaning of the song. Please, as much as those may be valid angles to look at this issue from, let's look at it more from the angle of curtailing abuse of power and the Archbishop's response.

Recently, I have been writing about structures in the church, abuses, and religious leaders, some of you think it is a fight between Catholics and other denominations. 

I remembered saying, once certain powers are placed on our hands, including myself, and there is no one we can account to, so many things about us, especially the ugly ones, will come out. It is the structure that puts everyone in check so that the church doesn’t have to solely depend on your goodwill and your claim of being led by a certain spirit, which by the way is usually subject to varied interpretations.

No priest or Bishop or Pope should be bigger than the church. No Pastor or prophet should be bigger than the ministry. The moment there is no authority that can check the excesses of your priest or pastor or bishop, then anything…I mean absolutely anything can happen. 

You can be asked to eat grass or drink Dettol or drink Goya oil for healing. You can be asked to donate your family land or the entire money you have in your account as seed sowing and you will do it because it is easier to use religion to work on people's psyche. 

If the Catholic Church with all the structure she has, with all the rigorous processes that are in place before a priest is ordained, and with all the checks and balances now and then can still have one or two of her ministers who will act in ways that are opposite of what Jesus expects and teaches, then you can only begin to imagine what happens when there is no training or structure. This has been my argument against most churches springing up today.

The number one problem in Africa with regards to Christianity is that anything goes. Anyone can become a pastor, even clowns who will account to no one, and people will still legitimize them by being members of their churches.


Eaglepost About Rev. Fr. James Anelu Banning Igbo Songs In His Catholic Parish

The Catholic Church is universal....

It is not a regional, community or village entity founded by one man...

It is an institution that has stayed dominant across eons because of its great appeal to persons of diverse ethnic backgrounds, religious origins, colour or economic privileges....

Any priest that forgets the Church's origin and history and becomes tied in Nigeria's brand of ethnic politics would lose his ministry....

It is not debatable...

A priest in one of the big parishes in Abuja Archdiocese went against the Igbos around 2008/2009...

He accused Igbos of dominating the Church....

So he banned the choir....

For singing only Igbo songs...

He also clashed with the CWO leadership in the parish...

It was the greatest mistake of his priesthood...

That priest, reportedly from the Plateau region of Nigeria, is yet to recover from the fallout of that miscalculation...

The harvest and bazaar returns of the parish that year was reportedly the worst ever...

The entire financial returns was less than what would have been gotten during a lousy second collection on a normal Sunday. ...

But you cannot go against the people who are the financial pillars of the Church and expect them to keep their wallets open...

The Archbishop got the cue in no time. 

The priest was quietly transfered to a place where his damage could be minimal....

I heard that since then, he has remained an assistant to several young priests he taught in the seminary...

As I mentioned, he is yet to recover for openly going to war against Igbo parishioners....

Wherever he goes, news of his past misjudgement spread quickly....

"He hates Igbos...." the whispers go....

Before long, Igbos would go into their shells....

It is true. ..

Catholic Church in Nigeria is dominated by Igbos. ..

But Igbos are by no means the only Catholics....

Cardinals Anthony Okogie and John Onaiyekan are not Igbos....

Archbishops Ignatius Kaigama and Adewale Martins are not Igbos...

And these four are amongst the most prominent Catholics in Nigeria today....

Shall we also forget Bishop Martin Kukah or Fr. George Ehusanni? 

Are they also Igbos? 

But when it comes to liturgical music compositions, Jude Nnam, takes the lead....

It is hard to Imagine anyone close....

And he writes his songs in Igbos

But he also writes in other languages....

Including Hausa, Yoruba and epic....

So he is a balanced, pan Nigeria composer...

However, the Church did not leave its choice of music or liturgical songs to chance....

I have been in the choir for more than 17 years....

So I am qualified to say a thing about liturgical music. ..

On the first Sunday of every month , only Latin and English songs are taken during liturgical celebrations. ..

No native songs whatsoever is considered. ...

On second Sunday, we take native and majorly English songs...

On third Sunday, only native songs (Igbo, Hausa, Yoruba and other songs in native languages) are taken...

On the fourth Sunday, English and native liturgical compositions go...

This is a practice I have observed across Abuja Archdiocese. ...

And I believe it is the same across Nigeria. ..

So Where did Fr. James Anelu's anger against Igbo songs come from? 

Pre-concieved bias? 

Nigerian politics? 

Or his village gossip group?

Well, I thank God that Archbishop Adewale moved quickly to put Anelu in his place. ...

Such characters must never be allowed to pollute the "Chrst for all people" tradition of the Church....

SOURCE Thefamousnaija

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