This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Mphowabadimo Biography, Age, Pictures, Husband, Child, Sangoma, Mpho BBM

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Latest Instagram Photos: Michelle Dimpho Mvundla aka Mpho Wa Badimo Bio, Wikipedia, Net Worth, Family, Parents, Son, House, Cars, Married, Height, Contact details, YouTube, Videos, Baby Daddy, Boyfriend, Marriage, Wedding Pictures, Tattoo, Hometown, Divorce, Educational Background, Hairstyle, Mphowabadimo Big Brother Mzansi Images, Facebook Photos, Ig Pics

History Of Mpho wa Badimo: Everything To Know About Mphowabadimo BBM 2022 Profile, Family, Parents, Boyfriend, Net Worth, Married, Children, BB Mzansi Season 3

Who Is Mphowabadimo (Mpho BBM)?

Mpho Wa Badimo aka Mphowabadimo BBM whose real name is Michelle Dimpho Mvundla (born 9 August 1994) is a South African Sangoma, Idlozi Advocate, Spiritual Teacher, YouTuber, and 2022 Big Brother Mzansi Season 3 housemate and Winner.

Mpho, a tattooed contestant on Big Brother Mzansi, describes herself as 'a certified African Doctor, humble with a hint of Magic.' Michelle Mvundla aka Mpho Wa Badimo is a spiritualist - a spiritual healer.

Beautiful pictures of Mphowabadimo (Michelle Dimpho Mvundla)

Mphowabadimo (Mpho BBMzansi) Profile Bio Wiki Data Facts

Name: Mpho Wa Badimo

Nickname: Mphowabadimo (Big Brother Mzansi)

Real Name: Michelle Mvundla

Full Name: Michelle Dimpho Mvundla

Nationality: South African

Hometown: Daveyton

Tribe, Ethnicity: Black African

Date Of Birth: 9 August 1994

Birthday: August 9

Age: 28 Years Old (In 2022)

Occupation, Career: Sangoma, YouTuber

Net Worth: $500,000 US Dollars

Religion: Traditionalist, (Ex Born Again Christian)

Height: 5"6 Feet Tall

Parents: Mr and Mrs Mvundla

Father: Mr Mvundla

Mother: Mrs Mvundla

Instagram: mpho_wa_badimo


Photos of Mpho Wa Badimo (Mphowabadimo BB Mzansi 2022)

Michelle Mvundla: Full Biography Of Mpho BBMzansi (Mpho Wa Badimo)

Mpho Wa Badimo (Mpho BBM 2022) Sangoma Career, Occupation, Life History, Story, Childhood, Background

Biography, Wikipedia: Michelle Dimpho Mvundla Aka Mphowabadimo is South African born Sangoma, Advocate of idlozi, YouTuber, Spiritual Teacher/Mentor, Certified African Doctor who is Big Brother Mzansi (BBMzansi) 2022 Season 3 contestant.

Mphowabadimo was born in Daveyton, South Africa. Mpho Wa Badimo was a tomboy while growing up.
Mpho Wa Badimo Video (Watch)

About Mphowabadimo 'Mpho' Big Brother Mzansi 2022 Housemate Profile: 
Image of Mphowabadimo From Big Brother Mzansi BBMzansi Season 3 Housemate 2022 (Profile Pic)

Mphowabadimo who is simply known as Mpho Wabadimo of Big Brother Mzansi whose real name is Michelle Mvundla is a 27-year-old sangoma from Daveyton, South Africa. She has soft, laidback energy, and she describes herself as outgoing and kind but with “zero tolerance for nonsense”.

Mphowabadimo is a doting mum of a son who is also a spiritual person whose healing of others is both her passion and calling. She is a nurturer, and she loves cheering people up when they’re not feeling their best.

Big Brother Mzansi is something Mphowabadimo wanted to be a part of since her teen years, and she was not going to let this opportunity in 2022 pass her by.

Mpho wa Badimo loves getting tattoos, shopping, and cooking and believes that food brings people together. She believes she will leave an imprint on her Housemates’ souls, spirits, and hearts. She has a spiritual gift that enables her to heal, connect, and give closure to a lot of people. 

Mpho Wa Badimo is terrible at pretending and will just be herself in the Big Brother House, but maybe hide the fact that she is a sangoma at first so that she can suss out her Housemates. She’s feeling a whole range of emotions but is mostly overwhelmed by the fact that she was chosen to be in the Big Brother House.

Sangoma: Michelle Dimpho Mvundla also known as Mphowabadimo is a Sangoma.
Who is a Sangoma? A Sangoma in southern Africa is a traditional healer or diviner.

What is Sangoma? Sangoma is a highly respected healer among the Zulu people of South Africa who diagnoses, prescribes, and often performs the rituals to heal a person physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.

Mphowabadimo Crowned Sangoma On June 25, 2016
Big Brother Mzansi season 3 housemate, Mpho Wa Badimo was crowned Sangoma on 25 June 2016.

Sharing her throwback photo (Before and after pictures) of her Sangoma crowning moments, to celebrate her 5th year anniversary of her crowning, Mphowabadimo wrote on her Instagram page:


Today marks where it all began on this exact date 2016! This is the day where i was officially crowned ngobukhosi bedlozi lami and ordained isangoma uGog'NKOM'YAHLABA!!!!
Time does indeed fly this new season we stepping into is a season of rebirth for me and it will always serve of importance in my spiritual journey. The journey began the day i escaped my mother's womb but 25th of June Sealed the day when i found myself, found my true identity. A not so easy journey it is but because this is my life , because nothing is as fulfilling as finding your true purpose. There is absolutely no manual to maneuver this ever changing spiritual life. Dlozi uyismanga and i love you! You have been kind and patient with me even with my flaws you still stand proud next to me. I will forever be grateful for all you are to me. 25th of June Ngaliphuza Ngaliphalaza Ngaliphalaza ilanga libalele kubhlungu ngakimi, babethi ngiyokufa kaze ngiyobasangoma noma ngiyothakatha na,ngawe dlozi bavaleka imilomo! Im not even halfway with my spiritual journey but i ngishaya isandla phezkwesinye ngibabaze ngibonge.

To another 5,10,15 100 years💥🍃🌟👏🏾🚀💥
Yes i can!!!! Ngomdali nangedlozi lami.
Ngithanda ukubonga abazali bami abangkhulisa edlozi edlozini
Mama Nkanyezi noBaba uLwandle
Anyeke ngikhohlwe la ngibuya khona.
Indlela iyaphambili Thokozani 👏🏾
Id like to Thank my family for their continuous support and love throughout my journey until thus far. Id love to also thank my amazing son Inkonsana uZweliBanzi for always reminding me of my greatness and putting my crown in place everytime , if anything you illuminated my path and gave it reason, also my nephew who has been with through thick and thin! I love you Samkelo.

Yim lo inyoka emnyama ecand' isiziba!
uNobuhle ikumkanikazi

I am Mphowabadimo 👑
The Advocate of idlozi 👩🏾‍⚖

Makukhanye 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯
Kukhulume imisebenzi yenu 🌟🌟🌟🌟
With tears of joy 
As we step into a new chapter 🍂🤲🏽📿💫
Thokoza dlozi 👏🏾


Mphowabadimo Recalls Her Journey To Being A Healer (Sangoma)

"It has been a long life changing journey 💞 I never in my life imagined walking on my knees,walking barefoot getting bruised and cut, Ukuthwasa kunzima and kuyabekezelwa never would I have imagined me being recognised for who I am but I have been recognised for what I am.I left home as a young girl and I come back as a strong woman. I left my life and decided to pursue a whole new different chapter to my life. I discovered the power and gift I have 💋 I am a proud Mngoma oliphuze waliphalaza I am proud to be what I am, I walk in my ancestors footprints 👣 
Thokoza 👏"
Photos of Mpho Wa Badimo as Sangoma

Mphowabadimo & Her Ancestors Call: How I Accepted My Calling To Be Sangoma Because My Family Was In Danger Because of My Stubbornness

"And here we are ..........🌑
Still on this journey and not even halfway, i will never exchange my gift for anything because i am my gift 👏🏾 amadlozi ami watched me call them demons, deny the calling, suppress everything, pour them with fire but still they waited patiently because they knew the bigger picture. I was stubborn and cursed anything related to idlozi, fled to religion and thought being born again and tongue speaking will scare them off but instead everywhere i went i touched people's lives, what kind of demons are these that dont fear the name above all names and still trouble me even when ministering in church worse they will visit my dreams while im sleeping on a whole bible.... They eventually got tired of watching me live a lie and they came like a hurricane and turned my life upside down.

I accepted my calling not by my own will but because my family was in danger because of my stubbornness. I went through initiation thinking im doing this just so my family can be safe but it was for the wrong reasons.....after i came back from initiation i sunk into depression, angry at my ancestors trying to find myself and also heal from the abuse iphehlo brought.....the journey to self discovery wasn't easy and when it finally hit me that all that i did and went through was for myself and nobody else,i then humbled myself and accepted my gift and gave my ancestors permission to use me........above everything i love my ancestors for their consistency and unfailing love.

As i stand today i carry my gift with honor and pride,and yes it isn't as easy but i do my best.i accepted that i am different and im here on assignment......
Agent Mphowabadimo 
Codename : NKOM'YAHLABA 
Mission: HEALING 
My mission is a forever changing thus requires my fulltime attention. Until the purpose of my existence has been fulfilled i shall also hand over to the next person that will TAKEOVER after me. 🤝🏾

Im carry my ancestors legacy & ive only just begun🤾‍♂️
My spiritual inheritance 🕯

Mphowabadimo Writes About Her Work As A Spiritual Healer

"With my mini hiatus coming to an end it is with great pleasure to announce my return back to work 🙂 i needed the break although it was short but within this short break i took time off to rest and recharge because healing work can be very demanding. as a healer your response to life is to always give a part of yourself and sometimes we end up selflessly pouring from an empty cup. People tend to forget that we are human too and do experience spiritual and physical fatigue and sometimes even mental breakdowns due to carrying everyone we come across because people are always led to our paths for a reason and we forget that helping people is a very selfless calling. It is ok to feel tired and feel a need to breakaway ,do so its ok ,so that you can comeback refreshed and recharged the world needs you and you need yourself. 

So its back to the early mornings and sleepless nights, being on the road, blood ,sweat ,tears, growth and demanding spiritual work & i could go on but most of all its about fulfilling my purpose of dropping light to those aligned to my healing work one spirit at a time. Moving into a new month and taking one day at a time we continue to journey on with the legacy of our ancestors and i will stand to advocate for amadlozi so that we are redirected and rediscover who we really are. Let us continue to work together with dignity and respect.

Let us be cautious of any scammers circulating these social media platforms especially using the image i shared along with this post. If its not on my Instagram page or YouTube channel then it is definitely not me.
Kindly respect Instagram as a social platform and it is not an easier access to DM your problems or dreams,if you are aligned to my healing work please respectively follow the correct platforms to reach me. 

Im available on YouTube and Instagram and as i gear up for a new work season ,Let is continue to remember who we are and who came before us.
I am Mphowabadimo The Advocate of Idlozi 
& Gog'Mpho to you🙂
Mabaphile abantwana bedlozi⭐
Thokozani 💫📿👏🏾

Idlozi: Mphowabadimo is an advocate of idlozi. Idlozi is the 'spirit' that possesses a person to become an African Uhlanya (healer).

Mphowabadimo Shares Throwback Photos With Her Life Story

"Flashback Photo Dump 2016 📸🗑🗄
We all have a story to tell. Before i was Gog'NKOM'YAHLABA i was just MICHELE a young driven woman, ambitious and hustling her studies and tryna build a name for myself and focusing on my modeling. Being a sangoma was out of the equation as i was a devoted spirit filled, tongue speaking born again Christian, Well This was me 2016 in the midst of a brewing storm & little did i know that 2016 would be the year where my life took a turn. What we need to understand is that you are born gifted and throughout your life you go through stages of awaken aligning you towards your gift and calling until you reach a time where your ancestors see fit for you to answer your calling. 2016 was brutal for me, the voices became louder,the shadows become frequent, i was so forgetful,irritable, moody frustrated and feeling like i was losing my mind, i honestly thought I could phahla this misery away and ngibehlise kodwa impepho ngiyishise yaze yaphela. When i had this shoot i was trying so hard to fight everything as at that time i could still maintain my composure but lol behold idlozi ,abantu bebengdinekela even this photoshoot was a mess and i hardly got bookings after this catalogue but surprisingly my colleagues did, long story short things did take a turn to where my confusion and stubbornness cost me my sight and thats when I knew it was now or never. Ubizo ubizo and ukuncenga abadala to give you time when you out of time is a waste of time. Ngithwase ngingazimiselanga but because I was promised ukuthi after intwaso you go back to your normal life but in all reality life changes alot after you accept fully who you are. My Journey is my Story and my testament to my respect for idlozi............
Thokoza Mtane Dlozi👑
Mphowabadimo 👑
Advocate of idlozi 👑

Mpho wa Badimo Nationality, Country Of Origin: Where is Mphowabadimo from? Mphowabadimo is from South Africa.

Mpho Wa Badimo Real Name: What is the real name of Mphowabadimo from Big Brother Mzansi BBMzansi? Mphowabadimo full name, real name is Michelle Dimpho Mvundla.

Home Town, Village, Tribe, Ethnicity: Mphowabadimo hails from Daveyton, a town in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality of Gauteng in South Africa.
Pictures of Mphowabadimo

Mpho wa Badimo Date Of Birth, Birthday, Age: Mphowabadimo was born on 9 August 1994.

Mpho Wabadimo Real Age: How old is Mphowabadimo? Mphowabadimo is currently 27 years old. Mpho wa Badimo will celebrate her 28th birthday on 9th August 2022.

While celebrating her 27th birthday in 2021, Mopho wrote:

"Well another year in the Bag 🌻🍾🎂🕯👑💞🥰
A Happiest of Birthday to myself. Im not so much of a celebrator of my own birthday because its on a holiday and most people forget but i am always excited about other people's birthdays more than i am of mine but all that has gradually changed 😀 This year especially has taught me to appreciate the gift of life and at any given moment whether small or big the occasion you celebrate yourself and those around you. Life isn't short we just waste too much time worrying sometimes about things that don't make us happy or give us peace. Choose yourself above everything and your peace comes first. Celebrate yourself you deserve it ......

Well me i look forward to more years happiness, wisdom, love, abundance, wealth, healing and most of all health. Besides the many titles i carry 😂 to myself i am my parents daughter, my brothers sister, my nephews rich aunt😎, my son's mother, mphoza/ngaka to my friends, umntan'sekasi 😂,Nkomo to my spiritual family and the list goes on many of you ive become an online bestie, a sister, a mentor as you know me, as Mphowabadimo 👑 The Advocate of idlozi 🕯🌟 I am Grateful yet again because afterall is a life full of laughter 😁💞 & to all the Queens celebrated today Happy Women's Day yall...🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I Love you 🎀💕💞


Birthday Appreciative Post By Mpho wa Badimo

My Heart is Beaming with Happiness and Love.
Firstly I would like to thank each and everyone of you that took out their time to send me beautiful birthday wishes🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
I felt so loved and appreciated apart from my work. My Birthday Was everything i could have wanted and more🥺everyone that was supposed to share my day with me was there😍😍 i appreciate everyone that went out of their way to make my day amazing 🥰🥰🥰 i definitely decided to let my hair down and have a well deserved great time, taking life too serious will make your ancestors bored and lazy to respond to your DMs instead you shall be blueticked unye nyii so live a little you not an ancestor 😂😂😂😂🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀iba umntana wedlozi hayi idlozi 😂 Give the dlozis the content they deserve to see you choosing yourself over everything 🥰make them proud and stop complaining. Check your energy check your attitude🌻⭐🌟🍂🕯😎
Well celebrating myself is what il continue to do moving forward ,life is a gift worth celebrating and interms of celebrating my birthday we doing that all month long😁 and im still accepting gifts , di ewallete and lobola negotiations 😂😂😂😂

This is a beautiful chapter im stepping into and im ready to manifest all that my heart desires .
I am falling inlove with the beautiful Human im becoming. 🥰 gracefully....
I love you all🥰 haven't had much time to go through all the texts but il keep on sharing on my stories. 

May we recover from this long weekend physically, mentally, financially and spiritually .
I wish you love and happiness. 
I am Mphowabadimo the Advocate of idlozi 👑

Mpho wa Badimo Height: How tall is Mphowabadimo? Mphowabadimo is 5"6 feet tall.
Photos of Mphowabadimo Standing Tall at 5"6 feet

Mpho Wa Badimo Without Makeup Photos: Here is a picture of Mphowabadimo natural face without wearing makeup.

Mphowabadimo Tattoo: Mpho wa Badimo likes tattoos. She has parts of her body, leg, hand, chest tattooed. Michelle Dimpho Mvundla aka Mpho Wabadimo has snake Tattoo on her leg, feather Tattoo at her back.
Pictures of Mphowabadimo Tattoos

Mphowabadimo Surgery? Did Mpho wa Badimo do Plastic Surgery? No, Mphowabadimo has not done any surgery on her body.

Mphowabadimo Religion: What is Mpho wa Badimo religion? Mphowabadimo was practicing Christianity. She was a devoted spirit filled, tongue speaking born again Christian but later dumped Christianity for traditional African religion and practices.

Mphowabadimo Bikini Pictures: Here are Bikini Photos of Mpho Wa Badimo....

Mphowabadimo Hairstyles: Mpho wa Badimo rocks different kinds of hairstyles, haircut, weaves, braids, wigs, etc.

Photos of Mpho Wabadimo BBM Star

Mphowabadimo Sexual Orientation: Is Mpho wa Badimo a Lesbian, bisexual or straight? Mpho is not a lesbian. Mphowabadimo is straight.

Mphowabadimo Childhood Background Story
Sharing her childhood photo, Mpho wa Badimo wrote her story as a child:

"A message to my younger self📜
 You were born to stand, it is who you are. All those days you spent crying because you were misunderstood and rejected were so worth it. Im sorry you didn't have much of a childhood because all of that was spent on you trying to understand why you were different. It hurt growing up with no friends, being teased and always being afraid of the dark because you felt and saw what nobody did. You are special babygirl 🥰 Those attempts of you taking your life were stupid but i get it, fitting in wasnt part of the plan, all those voices in your head were real, The dreams, the fear of water and seeing snakes will make sense eventhough you will almost be admitted into a mental institution but you are protected. There will come a time where you be realized for who you are and although the journey leading to that will be a little painful but you will overcome and make me proud and wear your scars with pride. You are beautiful inside and out and never let anything or anyone dim the light inside of you.

Your aspirations, dreams ,goals are bigger than what the human mind can reach so go out there and shine.Your story will touch and heal many, that old woman you feared so much and always saw when nobody did, that was your guardian angel watching over you until handover season, there will come a time when you feel her more than see her and by that time you will get why you went through everything. 

All those kids that bullied and teased you forgive them because when you old enough, they are going to show up at your doorstep seeking your help because you are a Gift of the gods Mphowabadimo 👑

Sidenote......Those Marks on your face will eventually disappear once your journey begins and you will find your smile. Your are going to be a beautiful lady and never forget where it all kind to yourself its going to be a long journey 🥰life isn't a straight line so live and be happy don't be bothered because you are here on this world on business so if you find a little time for leisure go all out,you deserve it pssst you will adapt and wear your shyness with confidence, be bold!
Thokoza Gogo 

Mphowabadimo Family, Parents, Father, Mother, Siblings, Sister, Brother: Mphowabadimo was born into the family of Mr and Mrs Mvundla, who are her parents. Mpho wa Badimo has not revealed much about her siblings, brother, sister.

Mphowabadimo Mother: Mphowabadimo is close to her mother.
Picture of Mpho Wa Badimo and Her mother and Son
Sharing a picture of her, that was taken by her mother, Mpho wa Badimo wrote on her Instagram page:

"So my mum just took a picture of me without noticing 😂and then she sends me the pic on WhatsApp and says "bheka mawukgawula unjani " 😂😂😂😂😂😂and mina bengizcabangela lol 😂"

Mphowabadimo Married, Marriage, Wedding Pictures: Is Mphowabadimo married? No, Mpho wa Badimo is not yet married.
Mpho wa Badimo is not currently married.
Though she has a child, it's not clear if Mpho is a divorcee.

Mphowabadimo Husband: Who is Mphowabadimo Husband, name, pictures? Mpho wa Badimo has no husband for now.
Picture of Mphowabadimo and Libo

Mphowabadimo Boyfriend, Dating, Relationship: Who is Mpho wa Badimo Boyfriend, Name, Pictures? Mphowabadimo has not revealed who her boyfriend or lover is.
But Mpho wa Badimo is in a relationship with her lover.

Mphowabadimo Engagement, Engaged, Fiancé: Is Mpho wa Badimo engaged? Mpho wa Badimo has not revealed if she is engaged or not.

Mphowabadimo Children, Child, Son, Daughter: Does Mphowabadimo have a child? YES, Mpho wa Badimo has a lovely child, a son.
Mpho is a single mother of one child.
Pictures of Mphowabadimo and her child - son

About Mphowabadimo Son, Name, Age, Pictures: Who is Mpho wa Badimo son, name and how old is Mphowabadimo's son?
Mphowabadimo has not revealed the age of her son and his name.
Photos of Mpho Wa Badimo Son

Mphowabadimo shared pictures of her son with her and wrote:

"Me and my boo 💞 💞 💞 💞"

Mphowabadimo Baby Daddy: Who Is Mpho wa Badimo the father of Mphowabadimo child, son? Who is Mpho wa Badimo baby daddy? Mphowabadimo has not unveiled the identity of her baby daddy.

Mphowabadimo Net Worth 2022, 2021, Forbes, Dollars
How much is Mpho wa Badimo Net Worth?
Mphowabadimo net worth is about $600,000 US Dollars in 2022.

Mphowabadimo House and Cars, Mansion
Mphowabadimo lives in Johannesburg South Africa and drives her own car.

Mphowabadimo Phone Number, WhatsApp Contact: Mpho wa Badimo can be contacted through her Instagram page.

Mpho wa Badimo Contact Details: Mphowabadimo can be contacted via her Instagram page Account Profile Bio.

Mpho Wa Badimo Social Media Handles

Michelle Dimpho Mvundla Instagram
Mphowabadimo Instagram: Mpho wa Badimo Instagram Page Account Profile Handle is mpho_wa_badimo. Michelle Dimpho Mvundla Mpho wa Badimo currently has 59k followers as at the time of writing this article.

Mpho wa Badimo YouTube: Mphowabadimo Youtube Channel is MPHOWABADIMO.

Mpho wa Badimo Facebook: Mphowabadimo says she is currently not on Facebook.

Mpho wa Badimo Twitter: Mphowabadimo says she is not on Twitter currently.

Mphowabadimo Quotes

These are 10 motivational quotes from Mpho wa Badimo as compiled by Thefamousnaija that will give you insight into the kind of Personality behind Mpho wa Badimo from Big Brother Mzansi. See the 10 quotes below:

1 “Vulnerability gives us freedom, power and connects us to a network of injured souls. It is through the art of being real that we can heal ourselves and others.” 
Advocate of idlozi 👑

2 "Convince yourself everyday that you are worthy of a good life. Let go of stress, breathe. Stay positive, all is well"
Mphowabadimo 👑
Advocate of idlozi 📿

3 "We all have to start somewhere because starting is not most people’s problem, staying, continuing and finishing is.📿
Mphowabadimo 👑
Advocate of idlozi 👏🏾🤝🏾

4 "No one is you and that alone is power💥
Idlozi likukhethe lazi ukuthi uzokhona and uzosiphatha lesipho 👏🏾 Dont ever doubt your capabilities especially your gift.👏🏾💥It is yours and yours alone, yes the journey isnt easy but allow yourself a chance to grow into your gift, to learn from your gift, to live with your gift.
Remember UNGOKHETHIWEYO and nothing and nobody can take that away from you.....
Thokozani 👏🏾💥
Mphowabadimo 📿💥👏🏾
Advocate of idlozi 👑

5 "My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”
Mphowabadimo 👑
Advocate of idlozi 👩🏽‍⚖📿👏🏾💫

6 “Spiritual growth is like learning to walk. We stand up, fall, stand up, fall, take a step, fall, take a couple of steps, fall, walk a little better, wobble a bit, fall, run, and finally, eventually fly.”💫
Mphowabadimo 👑
Advocate of idlozi 👏🏾

7 "🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
'Imagine all the beautiful things you can do if you are not so worried about what others are thinking of you .'
Mphowabadimo 👑
Advocate of idlozi 🌸👩🏿‍⚖🌟💥📿👏🏾

8 "I had to revisit my path today yho kungivusele amanxeba kakhulu....for a while I thought I'd had dealt with the abuse I went through ephehlweni and with that it led me to a path of depression with nobody to talk to but because of my family and the strength of idlozi lami I overcame that and began a process of healing✌🏼Kwakubhlungu kunzima and im a survivor and never have been a victim because there is a very thin line between ukuthwasisa n abuse and grateful for all of that because it produced a very strong woman. ♥☺ They normally say something worth having doesn't come easy and its one of those...the scars nolonger ooze puss but the puss is starting to dry up slowly☺☺☺☺ Ngiyabonga dlozi☺
Swipe ⬅"

9 "My calling my life'...... #wabadimo
"As a spiritual being , I learnt that through our own adversities therein we find our renewed strength and that gives us the courage to face a new spiritual transition......that transition is how we are able to heal others through our own experience with an open mind and an experienced spirit. Transitions come anyhow we just ought to be prepared at all times for the adversities they carry along because you are nolonger living just for yourself but you are for the universe and everything you are is a reincarnation........... " 'Wabadimo

10 "My journey has made me realize that I too one day will be someone else's idlozi and how I walk my path Will be paving someone else's journey as I too am walking on a path that was paved for me but until then, I embrace and continue on with my Journey.........

Mpho wa badimo age
Mpho wa Badimo Sowetan
Mpho wa Badimo Contact details
Mpho wa badimo Instagram
Mpho wa badimo videos
Mpho wa badimo biography
Mpho wa badimo YouTube 2021

mpho wa badimo from big brother mzansi 
mpho wa badimo facebook 

mphowabadimo photos 
mpho wa badimo bbm 
mphowabadimo pictures 
mphowabadimo bbm 2022 
mpho wa mphowabadimo bbm pictures 


  1. Young and beautiful. Always a lady that never forgot to look always good on daily basis. Loved her smile. Her eyes light up each time she drops that smile on her face. Thokoza gogo. deserved it.

  2. I'm so proud of you Mpho and all the best for the future you only deserve the best cause you're simple the best on your own, you go girl.

  3. i'm so proud of the woman you've become,you are an inpiration to many,me especially,you are really the Gift of the gods,love you Mphopho( in Libo'svoice) lol,Thokoza gogo

  4. Mphowabadimo, good luck and keep walking, I loved you from the very first time I saw you on Big brother, God loves you and always remember your We your Fans made it happen for you, we fought for you day and night, keep shining, make sure you dont blow it my gul, makes us proud


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