This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Michael 'Mike' Oscar Isamede Biography, Age, Pictures, Wife, Family, Net Worth, Wikipedia, Children

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Facebook, Instagram Photos: About Michael Mike Oscar Isamede Bio, Profile History, Wikipedia, Birthday, Children, Wife, State Of Origin, Net Worth, House, Cars, Movies, Dead Or Alive? Michael Oscar Isamede Images, Photos, Pictures, Ig Pics

Mike Oscar isamede biography

Life History Of Mike Oscar isamede

Mike Oscar nollywood actor

Who is Michael Oscar Isamede?

Biography Wikipedia: Michael 'Mike' Oscar Isamede is a Nigerian born veteran Nollywood actor who often plays elderly roles in movies.

Mike Oscar Isamede plays fatherly roles, onowu, evil man, good man among others.

Michael Oscar Isamede has acted alongside popular Nollywood actors such as Ngozi Ezeonu, Mercy Johnson, Zubby Michael, Steven Odimgbe, Destiny Etiko, Onny Michael, Ebele Okaro, Ugezu J Ugezu, Jerry Williams, Uju Okoli, Ikrimore Ochuko Tony, Val Ugochukwu Abuchi, among others.

Photos of Mike Oscar Isamede - Nigerian actor

Mike Oscar Isamede Movies: Michael Oscar Isamede movies include, Royal Staff Of Justice, Illiterate Hustler, Native Love, Akweke, Tyrant Prince, Earth Goddess, Six Years Of Marriage, Covenant Of Money, The Princess And The Local Fighter, The Sacrifice Of Love, Love is Charming, Borrowed Marriage, among others.

Mike Oscar Isamede Family, Children, Wife: Michael Oscar Isamede is married with children - sons and daughters.

Picture of Mike Oscar Isamede and his children at their family house

Mike Oscar Isamede Net Worth: Michael Oscar Isamede net worth is about $70,000 US Dollars.

Leg: What happened to Michael Oscar Isamede leg? Michael Oscar Isamede limps but it's not clear what really happened to him whether it's accident or not.

Michael Oscar Isamede is alive and kicking.

Recent Photos of Oscar Mike Isamede

Instagram: Michael Oscar Isamede is on Instagram and his Instagram Handle is michaelisamede

Meet Nollywood Actor, Mike Oscar Isamede (Images, Photos)

Bio Wiki: Mike Oscar Isamede is a Nigerian born Nollywood actor known for movies such as Borrowed Marriage, Royal Staff Of Justice, Illiterate Hustler, Native Love, Akweke, Tyrant Prince, Earth Goddess, among others.
Mike Oscar Isamede at the Burial Of late Nollywood actor Sam Obiagor


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