This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Jeiel Damina Pictures, Biography, Age, Boyfriend, Parents, Net Worth, Father, Tribe, Sisters, School, Height, Family, Instagram

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Latest Instagram Photos: All About Jeiel Damina Full Bio, Wikipedia, Birthday, Age, Husband, Height, Family, Sisters, Movies, Father Mother, Phone Number, University, State Of Origin, House, Cars, Recent Jeiel Damina Images, Photos Pictures, Ig Pics

History Of Jeiel Damina: Everything To Know About Jeiel Damina Full Biography, Wiki, Profile, Boyfriend, Sisters, Movies, Family, Parents, School University

Biography Wikipedia Profile: Who is Jeiel Damina?

Jeiel Damina (born 4 September 2002) is a Nigerian born singer, Nollywood actress, writer, Digital content creators and Instagram brand Influencer who is a co-Founder of Neptune3 Studios.

New Latest pictures of Jeiel Damina on Instagram

About Jeiel Damina Career, Occupation, Life History & Story

Jeiel Damina is an actress cum singer, dancer, writer, and model. Jeiel Damina and her two sisters, Jemima and Jesimiel founded Neptune3 Studios and together have produced, directed,  and written Best Friends In The World and Table for Two; A Series of First Dates.

Jeiel Damina is a member of the Triple J Plus, a music group she and her two elder sisters formed in 2010.

Old Throwback Photos Of Triple J Plus: Jeiel Damina and her sisters - Jemima and Jesimiel Damina

Table For Two: A Series of First Dates” - Bella: Jeiel Damina plays the role of Bella in Table For Two: A web Series Of First Dates. 

"Table for Two: A Series of First Dates” is 10-episode series, which takes us on a unique look and social commentary on young-adult dating. It is a short series about work-place friendships and achieving one’s goals.

Starring Precious Bassey, Samuel Ating, Emmanuel Nse, Jeiel Damina, Abasikpongke Uko, Chioma Ohaegbuchi. Directed by Jemima Damina, written by Jesimiel Damina and Jeiel Damina.

Meet the students & the businesswoman:

Jeiel Damina and Abasikpongke Uko as “Bella” and “Benny”. Chioma Ohaegbuchi as “Mrs Essien”

Jeiel Damina Movies: List of Jeiel Damina movies, latest movies include, Best Friends In The World and Table for Two; A Series of First Dates.

Songs - Jeiel Damina Songs: A list of Jeiel Damina and her sisters' songs are Like Lightning, Like a Girl, The Only Way, This Is Forever, Angels, Jesus & Nothing Else, From Your Heart, 24/7, Come Home, Complete Again, Story, Undefeatable, among others.

Jeiel Damina Autobiography On Her About

"With a passion for writing and experiencing all aspects of life through stories, Jeiel loves to share her imagination with others through her words. Apart from writing, Jeiel is also an actress and singer. She is a co-founder of Nigerian film company Neptune3 Studios which has a YouTube channel. She also acted as the main lead in hit YouTube web-series ‘Best Friends in the World as well as acted as co-wrote a few episodes.





Real, Full Name: Princess Jeiel Jewel Damina

Nationality: Is Jeiel Damina a Nigerian? Yes, Jeiel Damina is a Nigerian who hails from Kaduna State.

State Of Origin, Home Town, Tribe: Where is Jeiel Damina from? Jemima Damina is from Lere, Kaduna State, but she, and her family have lived all their lives in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

Tribe: Is Jeiel Damina Hausa, Yoruba or Igbo? Jeiel Damina is a native of Lere, Kaduna State.

Date Of Birth, Birthday, Age: Jeiel Damina was born on 4 September 2002.

Childhood baby Throwback photo of Jeiel Damina

Real Age: How old is Jeiel Damina? Jeiel Damina is currently 18 years old. Jeiel Damina will be 19 years old of age on 4th September 2021.

Jeiel Damina 18th Birthday: Jeiel Damina celebrated her 18th birthday on 4th September 2020 with sexy pictures.

18th Birthday Hot Pictures of Jeiel Damina

Jeiel Damina 19th Birthday: Jeiel Damina will celebrate her 19th birthday on 4th September 2021.

Family, Siblings, Parents, Mother, Father: Jeiel Damina is the last born child of 3 children by her parents Pastor Dr. Abel Damina and Rachel Damina.

Family Pictures of Jeiel Damina (with her parents and siblings sisters

Photo of Jeiel Damina with her mother and elder sisters.
Jeiel Damina family photo

Picture of Jeiel Damina parents, Pastor Dr. Abel Damina & Dr Rachel Damina

Father: Who is Jeiel Damina father? Jeiel Damina father's name is Pastor (Dr.) Abel Damina. Her dad, Dr. Abel Damina is the senior Pastor of Power City International Church, Nigeria with headquarters at 98 Nwaniba Road, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

Pictures of Jeiel Damina and her father, Dr. Abel Damina

Photo of Jeiel Damina Dad, Dr. Abel Damina

Jeiel Damina is a Pastor's daughter.

Mother: Who is Jeiel Damina mother? Jeiel Damina mother is Dr Rachel Abel Damina.

Child hood Throwback Photos of Jeiel Damina and her mother

Picture of Jeiel Damina mother, Dr Rachel Abel Damina

Siblings, Sisters: Jeiel Damina has two elder sisters. The names of her sisters are Jemima Damina and Jesimiel Damina (her eldest and immediate elder sisters respectively).

Pictures of Jeiel Damina and her sisters
Photos of Jeiel Damina and her Older sisters

Photo of Jeiel Damina and Jesimiel Damina, her immediate Elder Sister

Photo of Jeiel Damina and Jemima Damina, her eldest sister

Educational Background, Schools, University: Jeiel Damina did her primary and secondary school in Uyo. Jeiel Damina attended Bright Stars Model Secondary School (B.S.M.S.S)  in Uyo. 

Jeiel Damina has finished graduated from secondary and has proceeded to the University.

University, Course Of Study: Is Jeiel Damina in university? Yes, Jeiel Damina is currently studying Creative Writing (BFA) at Full Sail University online.

Jeiel Damina sisters are well read and have both graduated from the University. Jemima and Jesimiel Damina studied Film (BSc.) and Computer Animation (BSc.) respectively for their undergraduate degrees at Full Sail University, Florida. After completing their National Youth Service Corps, they studied Entertainment Business (MSc.) and Creative Writing (MFA) respectively for their postgraduate degrees also at Full Sail University.

Married, Wedding, Husband: Is Jeiel Damina married or engaged? No, Jeiel Damina is not yet married. She is still quite young and still an undergraduate.

Dating Relationship, Boyfriend: Who is Jeiel Damina boyfriend? Who is Jeiel Damina dating or in a relationship with? Jeiel Damina has not revealed the name of her boyfriend or if she has a boyfriend or not.

Pictures of Jeiel Damina in Swim wear in pool

I Don't Have A Boyfriend - Jeiel Damina Says In Her Youtube Question & Answer

In a question and answer session on her YouTube channel, actress and singer, Jeiel Damina revealed that she doesn't have a boyfriend. Her fans were eager to know if Jeiel Damina has a boyfriend or not, the 18-year-old Jeiel Damina said "I don't have a boyfriend!". Watch the video below after the cut.

Jeiel Damina and Emmanuel Esiet - Relationship: Are Jeiel Damina and Emmanuel Esiet dating, in a boyfriend - girlfriend relationship? Some fans think that Jeiel Damina and her colleague, actor Emmanuel Esiet are in a relationship but none of them has admitted dating each other.

Pictures of Jeiel Damina and Emmanuel Esiet (Are they Dating?)

Net Worth: Jeiel Damina net worth is about 120,000 US Dollars.

Source Of Income, Salary: Jeiel Damina makes money from acting, singing, music, Youtube and from Instagram paid adverts by promoting brand products on Instagram as a social media Influencer.

House, Cars: Jemima Damina lives with her parents, family in Uyo and is learning how to drive a car since she turned 18 years old. Jeiel Damina elder sister is teaching her how to drive.

Height: How tall is Jeiel Damina? Jeiel Damina is 5"6 feet tall.

Photos of Jeiel Damina standing at 5"6 feet tall

Hairstyle, Haircut: Jeiel Damina was rocking her natural Virgin hair but now wears Braids, wigs and weaves.

Jeiel Damina photos

Jeiel Damina pictures Images

WhatsApp, Phone Number, Contact: Jemima Damina can be contacted via her social media accounts like Instagram, Facebook and through her Website Contact page.

Social Media Accounts: Jeiel Damina is active on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok and YouTube.

Instagram: Jeiel Damina Instagram Handle jeieldamina  

Facebook: Jeiel Damina Facebook name is Jeiel Damina. Jeiel Damina currently has 268K followers on her Facebook page as at the time of writing this article.

Tiktok: Jeiel Damina is on Tiktok. Announcing her joining Tiktok, Jeiel Damina wrote on her Facebook account;

"Hey Blog Family,

I’m on TikTok. Crazy right? I’m everywhere. lol.

I hope ya’ll follow me, watch my videos, like them and maybe even leave a comment. 

My username is: @jeieldamina"

Website: Jeiel Damina website name and address

Twitter: Jeiel Damina is on Twitter with the name and account Jeiel Damina @jeieldamina

Beautiful new photos of Jeiel Damina

YouTube: Jeiel Damina YouTube Channel - Jeiel Damina is on YouTube where she shares her interesting videos. 

Watch Jeiel Damina fans Interview question and answer video on YouTube. 

Jeiel Damina dog Photos

SOURCE Thefamousnaija

Jeiel Damina tribe

Jeiel Damina movies

Jeiel Damina phone number

Jeiel Damina WhatsApp number

Jeiel Damina sisters

Jeiel Damina Instagram

Jeiel Damina and Emmanuel Esiet

Jeiel Damina age 2020

Is jeiel Damina in university?

What tribe is jeiel Damina?

Jeiel Damina school

Is jeiel Damina in university?

Is jeiel Damina a Nigerian?

Jeiel Damina Brother

Jeiel Damina school

Jeiel Damina phone number

Jeiel Damina tribe

Jeiel Damina WhatsApp number

Jeiel Damina songs

Jeiel Damina and Emmanuel Esiet

Jesimiel Damina movies

Jeiel Damina sisters

jeiel damina school 

jeiel damina phone number 

jeiel damina songs 

jeiel damina whatsapp number 

jeiel damina movies 

list of jeiel damina movies 

jeiel damina latest movies 

jeiel damina biography 

jeiel damina bio 

jeiel damina best friends mp3 

jeiel damina birthday 

jeiel damina books 

jeiel damina best friends in the world jeiel damina best friend lyrics 

jeiel damina what best friends do jeiel damina and emmanuel esiet jeiel damina and her sisters jeiel damina age jeiel damina school 

The Final Word Song by Jeiel Damina 

jeiel damina songs jeiel damina whatsapp number 


  1. Wow
    I really admire you jeiel.
    I want to let you know you inspire me and I hope to be like you some day

  2. I wish to know your WhatsApp number

  3. Waoooo you really inspired me and I wish to meet you one day 💕💕💕💕

  4. I really like ya 😘
    I mean, it's u I like!!😃

  5. Jeiel, I'm crushing on you
    I already messaged you on Facebook and Instagram
    Hope to get a reply soon

  6. Hi jeiel can you be my best friend so I share your YouTube channel and you share mine prince_oe

  7. I really love are smart and active,I admire you a lot u are such a wonderful

  8. Hi jeiel am a big fan of your
    I love you very much
    And I hope to see u one day 😍😍🙏🙏

  9. You are my role model
    How can I contact you

  10. I love you too jeiel❤️❤️, I wish I could get ure what's app number -maureen roots for ya darling

  11. I love your movies and i really want to be your friend

  12. i love you and Adam part of the movie(best friend in the world)

  13. I am a big fans of your's and you are my role model

  14. I really admire you Jeiel. I hope to meet you one day😍... My role model 😘... Sometimes, I just wonder how I could possibly become like you one day.

  15. U ve inspired me jeiel I love u
    U and Adam should come back together
    U both are ment for each other

  16. I really love you, Infact you are my role model and I wish I can be like you and hope to see you one day❤❤❤
    Much love I get for you role model💋💋💖💗💓

  17. Love ur work keep it up.


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