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Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi Biography, Age, Net Worth, Wife, Children, House, Cars, Pictures

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Pictures: About Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi Bio, Wikipedia, Birthday, Age, House, Cars, Family, Wives, Children, Net Worth, State Of Origin, Height, Arrest, Sheikh Gumi Profile History, Photos, Images, Ig Pics

History Of Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi: Everything To Know About Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi And Family, Wife, Net Worth, Bandits, Arrest

Wikipedia Profile History: Who is Sheikh Ahmad Gumi?

Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi whose real full name is Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi, is a Nigerian born Islamic Scholar from Northern Nigerian based in Kaduna State Nigeria, a retired Soldier, Medical Doctor, with a Ph.D in Usulul Fiqh.

Sheikh Gumi is a trained medical doctor and a retired Major in the Nigerian Army, returned to Nigeria from his Saudi base about 20 years ago and began the annual Ramadan preaching at the Sultan Bello Mosque in Kaduna, in succession to the late Sheikh Lawal Abubakar. Sheikh Lawal himself had taken up at the Ramadan sermons after the demise of Dr. Ahmad’s father, Sheikh Abubakar Gummi in 1991. His sermons soon became very controversial for the attacks on the Dariqa and Shiite sects. Although he lived in Saudi Arabia, he returned to Nigeria just before the Ramadan fast every year to conduct the sermons.

Photos of Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Mahmud Gumi 

About Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi Career: Occupation History Of Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Mahmud Gumi

Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Mahmud Gumi Occupation include, Medical Doctor Consultant, Islamic cleric, Teacher, and Mufassir.

Ahmad Abubakar Gumi is an Islamic cleric, scholar and a former military officer with the rank of captain in the Nigeria Defence Academy (NDA), he is the current Mufti and mufassir at the Kaduna central mosque Sultan Bello.

Ahmad Gumi Military Career: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi served in the Nigerian Army Medical Corp (NAMC) as a medical officer, and retired at the rank of captain.

Picture of Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi as miliary officer (Throwback photo)

Full Name: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi

State Of Origin, Home Town: Where is Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi from, which state? Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi is from Gummi, Zamfara State, Nigeria. but was born in Kano state.

Ethnicity, Tribe: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi tribe is Hausa - Fulani

Religion Sect, Islam: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi is a Sunni Muslim (Denomination).

Date Of Birth, Birthday, Age: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi was born on 1 October 1960.

Real Age: How old is Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi? Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi is currently 60 years old. Sheikh Ahmad Gumi will celebrate his 61st birthday on 1st October 2021.

Family, Siblings, Parents, Father, Mother: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi is the eldest son of late Shaykh Abubakar Gumi and his wife, Maryam. He has many siblings.

About Father Of Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi: The name of Sheikh Ahmad Gumi's father was Sheikh Abubakar Mahmud Gumi who was born in the village of Gummi now a local government area in Zamfara state on 5th November 1922. Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi father was an Islamic scholar and Alkali (judge) of Gummi.

Photo of Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi father, Sheikh Abubakar Mahmud Gumi

He had a large number of children, however his most popular child happens to be Dr Ahmad Abubakar Gumi who succeeded his father as the scholar of the central mosque Kaduna (Sultan Bello).

Educational Background, Medical Qualifications: Sheikh Dr Ahmad Gumi is a certified medical doctor from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and was a former military officer, he left the military and travel to study fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) at the umm Al-Qura University in Mecca, Saudi Arabia where he obtained his PhD.

Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Mahmud Gumi Alma mater include; Sardauna Memorial College (SMC), Ahmadu Bello University, Umm al-Qura University.

Pictures, Images of Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Mahmud Gumi 

Marriage, Wife, Wives: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi is married with children.

How many wives does Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi have?

Children, Son, Daughter: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi has children - sons and daughters.

Net Worth: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi net worth is about $1 Million US Dollars. Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Mahmud Gumi is rich.

House, Cars: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi has house (s) and cars but lives a quiet lifestyle. Doesn't flaunt his wealth.

Phone Number: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi contact is via his Facebook and Twitter pages below..

Instagram: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi Instagram Handle

Facebook: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi Facebook name is Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi and he has over 293,945 people following him on Facebook.

Twitter: Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi Twitter name is Dr. Ahmad Abubakar Mahmud Gumi @Ahmad_Gumi and he has over 18.9K Followers on Twitter.

Sheikh Ahmad Gumi Meeting With Bandits: Popular Kaduna-based Islamic cleric, Dr. Ahmad Gumi, had met with some notorious bandits in Zamfara State on 2nd February, 2021.

Photos of Sheikh Gumi meeting with Bandits

The meeting was in continuation of the peace moves by Gumi.

The Islamic cleric began his peace moves with visits to the hideouts of bandits terrorising Zaria-Giwa roads as well as Birnin Gwari area in Kaduna State earlier in the year.

Gumi told them that they should not expect magic from him as his success would depend on the cooperation or otherwise that he would get from the Nigerian government which has the authority over decision making.

He presented them with Islamic books, including copies of the Qur’an and wrappers. He said everything he was doing was being funded by a foundation and with the help of other well-meaning individuals and not the government.

Arrest, Sheikh Gumi Arrested in Saudi Arabia in 2010 - Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Gumi was arrested in February 2010 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Ahmad Gumi's family reported to the Nigerian embassy that security men in plain cloth came to their home in Makkah and asked Gummi to go with them. They took away cassettes, books and computer, but did not say why they were picking him up.

SOURCE Thefamousnaija

Ahmad Gumi military career

Sheikh Abubakar Gumi College Kaduna

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Sheikh Ja'afar

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