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Apostle Psalm Okpe Biography, Age, Net Worth, Wife Lydia, Cars, Children, Family, House, Instagram Photos

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Instagram Pictures: Meet Apostle Psalm Okpe, Bio, Wikipedia, Birthday, Scandals, Children, Family, Wife, Net Worth, House, Cars, Private Jet, Height, Messages, Lydia Okpe Husband, Lydia Okpe Biography, Marriage, Sons, Daughter

Who is Apostle Psalm Okpe?
Psalm Okpe is a Nigerian born Apostle, pastor, founder and General Overseer of Fresh Oil Ministry.

Pastor Psalm Okpe is 'blessed with unusual preaching anointing, psalm has answered a world wide call of God that has taken him to over 57 nations of the earth today. His audience craves for more as Gods blessings is released through him. Its, never a doll moment with psalm", Psalm Okpe's Facebook About reads.

About Fresh Oil Ministry International Church: Founded by Apostle Psalm Okpe who began full time ministry in 1994, Fresh Oil Ministry International is a church that has impacted so much on the lives of millions of people around the globe.

Home Town, Tribe, State Of Origin: Where is Apostle Psalm Okpe from? Pastor Psalm Okpe hails from Oturkpo, Benue State, Nigeria.
Tribe: Psalm Okpe is Idoma tribe.

Date Of Birth, Birthday, Age: Apostle Psalm Okpe was born on 1 July 1973.

Age: How old is Apostle Psalm Okpe? Apostle Psalm Okpe is 47 years old as at 2020.
Psalm Okpe celebrated his 47th birthday on the 1st of July 2020.

Educational Background: Apostle Psalm Okpe studied at GSS OTUKPO for his High School.
University of America - Human Rights, Pyhscology, International law.

Family, Siblings, Parents, Mother, Father: Apostle Psalm Okpe was born to parents who were pastors in the Gospel Faith Mission, Okpe came to know the Lord at a very young age.
Apostle Psalm Okpe's Mother is Pastor Mrs Dorcas Okpe.

Wife: Apostle Psalm Okpe is married to Pastor Lydia Okpe.

Photos of Apostle Psalm Okpe wife, Lydia Okpe

Marriage Anniversary: Apostle Psalm Okpe and his wife, Lydia Okpe celebrated their 20th Wedding Anniversary in November 2019.

Lydia Okpe and her husband, Apostle Psalm Okpe will celebrate their 21 years marriage anniversary in November 2020.

Children, Sons, Daughter: Apostle Psalm Okpe and his wife, Lydia Okpe have 3 children, 2 sons and a daughter.

Pictures of Apostle Psalm Okpe family, children, wife, sons and daughter.

Favourite Quotes: Apostle Psalm Okpe says "No matter how good a teacher is, he cant teach a student who is not present."

House, Cars: Apostle Psalm Okpe is a lover of cars. He has different car brands in his house garage. Apostle Psalm Okpe recently showed off his car, a Mercedes SLK convertible. Psalm Okpe called his car his toy.

The price value of the car is between N7m to N8m

Watches, Phones: Apostle Psalm Okpe likes to pose with his expensive wrist watches.

Fresh Oil TV: Apostle Psalm Okpe established Fresh Oil TV, a 24-hour TV station in 2015.
FreshOil TV is a faith-based network dedicated to spreading the Gospel Jesus Christ 24 hours a day, seven days a week – all around the globe, through all media formats possible.

Net Worth: Apostle Psalm Okpe is one of the pastors doing well in Nigeria. His Fresh Anointing Ministry generates millions of Naira per month.

Apostle Psalm Okpe has houses, flashy cars, expensive watches and other properties.

As at 2014, Apostle Psalm Okpe said he spent N49 million naira every year on foreign trips.
However, Psalm Okpe's exact net Worth is unavailable.

Psalm Okpe Private Jet: Apostle Psalm Okpe doesn't have a private jet but he flies in private jets for ministry work.
Does Apostle Psalm Okpe have a Private Jet? Psalm Okpe didn't buy a Private Jet.

Apostle Psalm Okpe And Eucharia Anunobi: Apostle Psalm Okpe was the one who ordained Nollywood actress, Eucharia Anunobi as pastor in 2012.

Apostle Psalm Okpe is a friend to a number of Nollywood artists, celebrities.

Apostle Psalm Okpe Messages:

Psalm Okpe Message On Marriage And Choosing A Partner (Husband Or Wife)

"Don’t marry a lazy brother even if he prays more than Jesus or fasts more than fasting itself. Never think of marrying any brother who doesn’t respect a woman."

"It is suicide mission to consider a man for a husband who is never remorseful for his actions towards you. Brothers, don’t marry a nagging wife! A nagging wife is like a leaking roof!!!
Marriage is beyond looks and swag. Marry a responsible man/woman. Look at the content and not just the container.
Proverbs 31:30; Matthew 7:6
I am the itinerant preacher. The mission has become a movement."

Message On Marriage, Wives And Sacrifices: I personally have issues with a woman been presented as a lesser personality in marriage, it makes me sad . I have no idea where the get such theory from . No marriage or relationship can work when there is no pure and true sacrifices from both parties. If your wife is a lesser to you , you truly have ego or personality issues , if you don’t respect your husband also you have not place in that marriage. Both of you, I repreat both of you must make sacrifices!!! Be the best you can be . Magnify each other’s strength and not your weaknesses . I am the itinerant preacher. I pronounce you blessed. The mission has become a movement

On Single Mom:
"Don't  mock a single mother  just  because  your  abortion  was  successful.
The mission has become a movement"

On Broke Men
"If you hate financially broke men then don’t be a financially broke woman ... you cannot hate what you are , one sided expectations can destroy you . If you want a man with a car you should show us exactly where you have parked yours . The mission has become a movement"

On Gospel Artistes And Payment
Avoid anyone who said for him to sing in your church is 1 million naira (3,000 US dollars $ for 30 mins,10 million naira (30,000 USA dollars) for 3 days.
That money is enough to buy a good sound system for the church or buy a land.
Also avoid any preacher who come to preach only for gain and his stomach.
I don’t have problem with you paying for their flights, hotel and feeding and even blessing them well afterwards, but to put God's gift on a bargain table count me out.
However, this is not a license for you to mistreat preachers and Music ministers who come to be a blessing. Use your head, when you invite a music minister bless them, make them happy so they can also come back when you need them.
Build relationships, also when you invite preachers also do the same.
Pastors and music ministers don’t make demand when you are not in demand. You have not sold 100 CD you are asking for 1 million for 30 mins for real?
Your name on the flyer or picture cannot even invite people shadows to meeting and you are making it look like you died on the cross? “The night comes when no man shall work. I must do the work of him that sent me while it’s day.”

The mission has become a movement!!!

Instagram: Apostle Psalm Okpe Instagram Page Account Profile Handle psalmokpe

Apostle Psalm Okpe And Yvonne Omoarebokhae Death Scandal, Arrest: Female Gospel Singer Died In Psalm Okpe's Hotel Room

In 2016, Apostle Psalm Okpe was involved in death and poisoning accusations scandal. Husband of late gospel singer, Yvonne Omoarebokhae, had accused Apostle Psalm Okpe of killing his wife in his hotel room. Apostle Psalm Okpe was arrested, detained and later released after autopsy revealed what killed the lady and exonerated Apostle Psalm Okpe. He was freed by police.

Apostle Psalm Okpe
Psalm Okpe private jet
apostle psalm okpe biography

Apostle Psalm Okpe height
Apostle Psalm Okpe phone number
Apostle Psalm Okpe church
About pastor Psalm Okpe history, profile
Apostle Psalm Okpe scandal

Lydia Okpe biography
Lydia Okpe husband
Lydia Okpe children
Who is Pastor Lydia Okpe
Pastor Lydia Okpe Wikipedia, bio

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