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Okeoghene Camille: Thacutegeminme Biography, Age, Net Worth, Twin Brother, Parents, Husband, Boyfriend

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Thacutegeminme aka Okeoghene Gift Camille Bio, Wikipedia, Birthday, Husband, Boyfriend, Parents, Mother, Family, Net Worth, Twin Brother, Model, Kwasi Flamez, State Of Origin, Photos, Images, Ig Pics, Real Name, Tiktok, Pics , Model, Interview

Who Is Okeoghene Camille aka Thacutegeminme?
Thacutegeminme whose real name is Okeoghene Camille Gift is a beautiful Nigerian born Instagram model, brand influencer and aspiring Nollywood actress who is quite popular on social media - Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok - with close to 300k followers on instagram.


Introducing herself on her profile, Thacutegeminme wrote: "Student, Actor, and Model in Nigeria.
Hey there, I’m Thacutegemini1 okeoghene . I’m a student living in Nigeria. I am a fan of photography, acting, and fashion. I’m also interested in fitness and entrepreneurship."

Thacutegeminme Real Name, Full Name: Okeoghene Camille Gift Othowora

Nickname: Thacutegeminme aka JesusBaby aka Kwasi Flamez

Home Town, Tribe, State Of Origin: Where is Thacutegeminme Okeoghene Camille from?
Okeoghene Camille 'Thacutegeminme' is from Delta State Nigeria.

Date Of Birth, Birthday, Age: Okeoghene Gift Camille Thacutegeminme was born on 17 June 1999.

Age: How old is Gift Camille 'Thacutegeminme'? Thacutegeminme Gift Camille is 21 years old as at 2020. Okeoghene Gift Camille celebrated her 21st birthday in June 2020.

Family, Siblings, Parents, Father, Mother: Okeoghene Gift Camille aka Thacutegeminme was born into a Delta State family. Thacutegeminme showed off her mother and brother on her instagram to celebrate them on their birthdays.

Meet Okeoghene Camille Thacutegeminme mother, Desola Sokunbi aka dessyshoks.

Thacutegeminme mum, Desola Sokunbi is the  MD/CEO Silverworld Group Limited: Silverworld Oil and Gas, Silverworld property Consultants and Silverworld Travels and Tours.

Celebrating her mother on her birthday, Okeoghene Camille wrote:

"To my mom on her birthday: Thank you for bringing me into the world and for caring for me all my life. Have a wonderful day and a joyous year ahead...I love you❤️💙 @dessyshoks #piscesseason"

Twin Brother: Thacutegeminme is a twin. Okeoghene Camille and her brother whose name is Ovie Kenny Iyomaterie are twins siblings. Okeoghene Camille Thacutegeminme twin brother, Ovie Kenny is a singer, rapper, musician and the owner of Ovie's music production.

Celebrating his birthday and his twin sister's birthday on his instagram page, Oviesong wrote: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US😍 Thank you Jesus for another year, I pray your grace and mercy continue to overshadow our lives.... So many good things come in pairs, like ears, socks and panda bears. But, best of all are the set of twins, with extra laughter, double grins.
Twin: @thacutegeminme"

Height: Thacutegeminme - how tall is Okeoghene Camille? Thacutegeminme is 5'3 tall.

School, University, Education: Okeoghene Camille Thacutegeminme is a student. She has finished her secondary (high) school.

Okeoghene Camille Thacutegeminme was a brilliant student always took the first in her class in secondary school but there was this low self-esteem she had that she didn’t know where it came from.

How Thacutegeminme Okeoghene Camille started Modelling: for Okeoghene Camille who is 5'3 tall, height was a challenge for her. She really didn’t believe much in herself and people also didn’t really believe in her because they all said she was too short to venture into modeling.

But Thacutegeminme got the help of a photographer named Peculiar Haston. He was the first person to ever believe in Thacutegeminme. He did her first photoshoot ever and helped sent Okeoghene Camille pictures to companies. Finally she had little hope in becoming a model.

She started gaining confidence, went for auditions and castings. She wasn’t picked for her first audition, but that didn’t stop her. She went again the second time and she was picked for a Globacom commercial. She was so elated as it was a very big way to finally become a commercial model.

Thacutegeminme also started modeling for makeup artists, the first being Rines Makeovers. With that she started growing her Instagram account which is helping her brand now.

Role Model: Okeoghene Camille inspiration in modeling is Aiyana Lewis. Thacutegeminme likes her because she started off just like her. She watched a video on YouTube on how she started modeling and it was similar story to hers.

Marriage, Wedding, Husband: Is Thacutegeminme Okeoghene Camille married? Thacutegeminme Okeoghene Gift Camille is not yet married and doesn't flaunt her boyfriend or fiancé on her instagram page.

Boyfriend: Who is Thacutegeminme Okeoghene Camille dating, boyfriend, fiance? Thacutegeminme is dating a celebrity but she doesn't show off her boyfriend on her instagram page or other social media pages.

Updated On 5th of October 2020

Okeoghene Gift Camille aka Thacutegeminme's boyfriend is actually Singer, Lil Frosh

Okeoghene Gift Camille aka Thacutegeminme And Lil Frosh Scandal

According to social media blogger Tunde Ednut, Lil Frosh did this to his girlfriend, Okeoghene Gift Camille Thacutegeminme:

THIS IS SO SAD MEN!!! @mayoks_michael – @thacutegeminme my client and sister has suffered enough!!!

    We have kept quiet enough lhilfrosh

You have done enough damage for almost a year now you have been in a relationship with my sister and client and you have brought her nothing but horror, pain and disaster.

I remember the first time I found out about you beating her on Monday 22nd of June @official_lyta team reached out to me wanting to use her for his musical vidoe shoot but she kept on saying you didn’t like it not knowing you had be....aten her to pul..p and she couldn’t face the world with so much Bru....ise. Their team begged to double the money but she couldn’t take the job because of you

You created so much fear in her till she turned down the job, but you still didn’t stop on a particular day you called me and you were begging me for almost 3 hours on the phone telling me to talk to her just to get back to you. Which I begged her and you promised never to lay your horrible hands on her.

    She has lost so many jobs because of you

    She has lost so many friendships because of you

    You never wanted her to be friends or to even talk to anyone

    You will turn the lights off her and pour her water even record her and threat..en to post it online.

    You broke her ring light

    Broke her phone

    Dragged her right infront of your house

    I know how many times I’ve had to order Uber to take her home

    lhilfrosh you are very wicked

    I’m tired of trying to protect your image while you continually ruin her and break her into pieces.

    She called one day crying that you were going to kill her and actually you were truly locking her inside preparing to beat not until I called her mom

    You even recorded her naked !! Threatening to post it after beating her bro lhilfrosh you better be ready

    You will pay for this !!!

    We are tired

Relationship Status: Okeoghene Camille Gift spoke to Harun Momanyi of Safrica in a 2018 interview about her love life, dating and boyfriend. Thacutegeminme said,

On if she is single or dating?

"I’m dating."

On what she likes the most about her boyfriend..

"I like the fact that he supports me a lot and makes me feel confident in everything I do."

Net Worth: Thacutegeminme Okeoghene Camille makes money from modelling, brand promotion on her instagram page where she advertises for products but Thacutegeminme Okeoghene Camille net Worth is unavailable.

Eyes: Thacutegeminme Okeoghene Camille has charming, unique eyes.

Okeoghene Camille Thacutegeminme Phone Number:
Thacutegeminme WhatsApp Number is 08108654437

Instagram: Thacutegeminme Okeoghene Camille Instagram Page Account Profile Handle thacutegeminme 

Thacutegeminme age
Thacutegeminme biography
How old is thacutegeminme
Okeoghene Camille age
Okeoghene Camille biography

Thacutegeminme bio
Thacutegeminme Wikipedia
About Thacutegeminme wiki, biography
Thacutegeminme height
Thacutegeminme net Worth 2020, 2021, 2022

Thacutegeminme state of origin
Thacutegeminme school
Thacutegeminme university
Thacutegeminme boyfriend
Thacutegeminme husband
Thacutegeminme tiktok
Thacutegeminme siblings
Thacutegeminme family, parents
Thacutegeminme car, house
Thacutegeminme us from which state
Thacutegeminme tribe
Thacutegeminme origin
What is Thacutegeminme age
Thacutegeminme birthday
How old is Thacutegeminme now
Thacutegeminme history
Thacutegeminme Nollywood actress
Thacutegeminme model
Thacutegeminme real name
Thacutegeminme interview

Okeoghene Camille state of origin
Okeoghene Camille tribe
Okeoghene Camille history
How old is Okeoghene Camille
Okeoghene Camille birthday, age
Okeoghene Camille parents
Okeoghene Camille father
Okeoghene Camille mother
Okeoghene Camille Twin brother
Okeoghene Camille height
Okeoghene Camille car, house
Okeoghene Camille net Worth
Okeoghene Camille boyfriend
Okeoghene Camille married
Okeoghene Camille husband
Okeoghene Camille model, tiktok
Okeoghene Camille Nollywood actress
Okeoghene Camille Wikipedia, bio
Okeoghene Camille interview

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Who is Kwasi Flamez
Kwasi Flamez instagram
Kwasi Flamez biography
Kwasi Flamez age
Kwasi Flamez boyfriend 


  1. You're wrong about her age she's 21 not 20 and the phone number isn't hers

  2. It is wrong for a boy to raise his hand on women

  3. Is the number hers


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