This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Kennedy Ned Okonkwo Instagram Photos, House, Cars, Real Estate, Swimming Pool, Mansion

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Instagram Pictures Of Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo aka Ned Okonkwo Houses, Mansions, Cars, Swimming Pool, Real Estate: Everything You Should Know

All You Should Know About Kennedy Okonkwo: Read Things You Didn't Know About Billionaire Ned Okonkwo HERE

Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo is one of the richest men in Nigeria from Anambra State.

Photo of Kennedy Okonkwo swimming pool in his house as his 3 children swim

Ned Okonkwo didn't just become a multi-millioner over night. Things became difficult after his father died while he was just 16 years old.

Through his doting mother and his love for education, Ned Okonkwo rose from a child, whose family once resided under a bridge in Lagos, to become one of the leading real estate magnates in Nigeria.

Cars: Photos of Kennedy Okonkwo Ned Cars

Before establishing Nedcomoaks Ltd, a property development company, he worked at XL group in different portfolios. Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo's journey into entrepreneurship commenced with a missed N18 million deal which involved the provision of accommodation for expatriates.

Today, Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo is a popular Lagos real estate guru and his beautiful wife, Ichechi is also into the real estate business.

Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo is the Founder/Group CEO of NedcomOaks Group, a real estate conglomerate. Kennedy Okonkwo is also the Chairman of Victoria Crest Homes.

Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo is now the biggest real estate player in the whole of Lekki axis and he has 5 brand new estates.

Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo incorporated his parent company, Nedcom Oaks in September 2007, but he had been into that business before them.

Meaning of NedcomOaks, How Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo Got The Name, NedcomOaks: NedcomOaks was coined from Kennedy Okonkwo's name. Ned is from Kennedy, then the Co, is the shortened word for company. And the oaks is from Okonkwo.

Instagram: Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo Page Account Handle Bio nedokonkwo 

Dr Kennedy Okonkwo

* Real Estate Mogul
* Venture Capitalist
* Philanthropist
* Millennial African Entrepreneur
* Group CEO @nedcomoaks
* Chairman @victoriacresthomes

More Photos, Images Of Dr. Kennedy Okonkwo Estate

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