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Folajomi Akinmurele FJ Biography, Age, Parents, Net Worth, Family, Instagram, Mother, Father

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Instagram Pictures: About Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele, Bio, Birthday, Family, Parents, Father, Mother, Nationality, Height, Net Worth, Siblings, Tribe, State Of Origin, Tiktok, Images, Photos, Ig Pics, Movies, Folajomi Akinmurele Hollywood, Nollywood, Mojisola Odegbami Biography, Age

Who is Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele?
Folajomi Akinmurele aka FJ is a Nigerian born American/Hollywood actor and model who is best known for his role as Young Simba in the movie Black is King.

Folajomi Akinmurele is a child actor, child model and Instagram influencer who resides in LA, California.

Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele made his debut in Beyonce’s video Spirit.

Beyoncé was so impressed by Folajomi Akinmurele's performance, that she sought him out for her visual album.

Manager/Management: Folajomi Akinmurele FJ is managed by Afritalent Agency.

Real, Full Name: Folajomi Akinmurele

Nickname: FJ

Nationality, State Of Origin: Where is Folajomi Akinmurele FJ from, which state?
Folajomi Akinmurele is a Nigerian - American. Folajomi Akinmurele FJ is from Nigeria.

Home Town, Tribe, Ethnicity: Folajomi Akinmurele FJ is from Yoruba Tribe, Nigeria. Folajomi Akinmurele FJ is black.

Date Of Birth, Birthday, Age: Folajomi Akinmurele FJ was born in 2013.

Age: How old is Folajomi Akinmurele FJ?
Folajomi Akinmurele FJ is currently 7 years old as at 2020.

Throwback baby - childhood photos of Folajomi Akinmurele

Education, School: Folajomi Akinmurele FJ is a pupil in school.

Sharing his throwback photo of when he graduated from preschool, Folajomi Akinmurele wrote:

"First things first! EDUCATION is key!
TB to that time I graduated from preschool.
This is the first of many to come and until then...I'm off to go secure the bag 🤑🤑🤑. 
This young King will continue to make you proud!
#throwbackthursday #hollywoodcalling #disneyplus #blackisking👑 #youngking👑 #blackboyjoy #brownboyjoy"

Family, Siblings, Parents, Father, Mother: Folajomi Akinmurele's parents - father and mother are from Nigeria but resides in USA.

Young Simba in Beyoncé “Black Is King”: at just the age of 7 years old, Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele is now a star after appearing in Beyoncé's video.

When you watch Beyoncé’s “Black Is King” which is now streaming on Disney Plus, you will see Folajomi Akinmurele in action as he Starres as a young Simba who is driven out of his home by Scar and must go on a journey of self-discovery.

From the multiple shots of Folajomi Akinmurele, he looks every bit the young king Beyoncé sings about in her latest visual album.

On How He Felt About His Appearance In Beyonce Video: 

"Seeing myself and my name on screen got me giddy! But can you blame a kid?😜" Folajomi Akinmurele wrote on his Instagram page.

Music Video, Movies: Folajomi Akinmurele has featured in Beyoncé’s “Spirit” music video in 2019, Beyoncé’s “Black Is King”.

According Variety, Beyoncé’s music video for “Spirit” — the only song to be included in 2019’s remake of “The Lion King” – was Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele acting debut. The global superstar was so impressed by his performance that she sought him out for “Black Is King” and cast him in the lead role of Simba. Not bad for your first two projects.

Net Worth: Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele makes money from acting and modelling but Folajomi Akinmurele net Worth is unavailable at the moment.

Hobbies: Apart from acting, Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele loves sports, especially basketball; he also enjoys video games, art, swimming, singing and outdoor fun.

Instagram: Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele Instagram Page Account Profile Handle iamfjofficial 
Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele
I am a kid who loves to Act, loves Sports and Video games!
Actor in BLACK is KING
For booking inquiries - Sam Okhade

Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele interview with Access Hollywood

Folajomi Akinmurele And Mojisola Ogunsina Odegbami aka Sekferoo

Mojisola Ogunsina Odegbami: How a grandmother from Nigeria ended up in Beyoncé's 'Black Is King'

 Mojisola Odegbami Biography

According to CNN, Mojisola Odegbami did not anticipate that a trip to the United States would land her a part in a visual album by one of the most popular music artists in the world -- Beyoncé.

The 69-year-old Nigerian grandmother appeared in two music videos in Beyoncé's highly anticipated "Black Is King" album, which premiered on Disney+ on Friday.

Odegbami appeared in "Bigger" taking on the role of an African queen, and in "Mood 4 Eva" where she was dressed in African attire, including a gele, a traditional head wrap commonly worn in West and Southern Africa.

She told CNN that her journey to being cast began with a medical trip to California in July 2019, where she met Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele, a young actor. "I was staying with my daughter's friend, and this friend of hers has a 7-year-old son. The son, FJ, is the main character in "Black Is King," Odegbami explained.

"Each time he needed to go for practice, I was the one who drove him there cause his mum would have gone to work. At that point, Beyoncé's staff got to know me as grandma Moji," she added.

Participating in 'Black Is King'
Even though Beyoncé's staff knew Odegbami, she did not get invited to cast in the album until her daughter's friend took a leap and signed her up with the talent agency responsible for choosing characters for the album.

"I was out shopping one day and she called me, and asked that I come home immediately. I was scared, you know. She said "Grandma, it's very important I need you to please come back home," she said.

When Odegbami got home that afternoon, she said her daughter's friend confessed to signing her up for a part on the album.

"That was how I found myself on the way to L.A .that same day for a part in the album. I initially didn't want to go but she kept begging me, so I agreed," she said.

After a two-hour drive to the set of "Black Is King," in Los Angeles, she was ushered in by Beyoncé's staff and given instructions on scenarios to act.

She was tested with fun parts to play like receiving a baby, holding it, and putting a mark on the baby's forehead. "I was just having fun, you know. Everything was going on smoothly, playing those parts I was asked to," she said.

Right after acting out the scenarios, Odegbami said everything happened fast. She was told she would be featuring in the album and meeting Beyoncé.

Meeting Beyoncé

Cameras and phones were not allowed on set so she did not get photos of her with the Grammy-winning singer, she said.

Odegbami also was required to sign a nondisclosure agreement, preventing her from revealing details of the video shoot to the public until after the album was released.

"They dressed me up, did my makeup, and chose outfits for me. And then they showed me where to stand on set waiting for Beyoncé," she explained.

Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele biography, Wikipedia
Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele grandma
Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele grandmother
Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele age
Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele birthday
Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele date of birth
Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele was born when
Folajomi "FJ" Akinmurele net Worth

Folajomi Akinmurele state of origin
About Folajomi Akinmurele history
Folajomi Akinmurele height
Folajomi Akinmurele siblings, brother, sister
Folajomi Akinmurele parents, mother, father
Folajomi Akinmurele family
Folajomi Akinmurele movies
Folajomi Akinmurele Photos, Pictures, videos, images
Folajomi Akinmurele facebook, tiktok, Twitter
Folajomi Akinmurele is from where
Folajomi Akinmurele nationality
How much is Folajomi Akinmurele net Worth earnings
Folajomi Akinmurele Nigerian, Nigeria
Folajomi Akinmurele Wikipedia, Wiki, bio
Facts about Folajomi Akinmurele biography
Folajomi Akinmurele Nollywood actor
Folajomi Akinmurele Hollywood
Folajomi Akinmurele height: how tall is FJ
Who is Mojisola Odegbami?
Mojisola Odegbami Biography, Age

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