This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Mike Just Solomon Biography, Age, Girlfriend, Gay Rape, Net Worth, TikTok, Birthday, Parents, Height

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About Mike Solomon aka Just Solomon Nigeria Bio, Tiktok, Wikipedia, Girlfriend, Age, Instagram, Birthday, Net Worth, Family, Twitter, Tiktok, Gay, YouTube, Parents, Father, Mother, Height, Hairstyle, Nationality, Half Caste, Nigeria Nollywood Actor, Mike Solomon Nigeria tiktok biography, Just Solomon Images, Pics, Pictures, Photos

History Of Just Solomon: Everything To Know About Mike Solomon Nigeria Biography, Wikipedia, Girlfriend, Family, Parents, Net Worth, Tiktok Star, Siblings

Meet Mike Solomon aka Just solomon
Who Is Mike Solomon? Who Is Just Solomon?

Mike Solomon also known as Just Solomon is an actor and model, a Nigerian Social media influencer and Content creator who is popular on Nigerian Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Twitter.

Mike Just Solomon is one of the most popular and most followed teens from Nigeria on the Tiktok

Real Name: Just Solomon real name is Mike Solomon

State Of Origin, Home Town, Tribe: Where is Mike Just Solomon from, which State?

Date Of Birth, Birthday, Age: Just Solomon was born on 1st of January 2001.
How old is Mike Solomon? How old is Just Solomon?
Mike Just Solomon is 19 years old as at 2020.

Height: How tall is Mike Just Solomon? Just Solomon is 6 feet tall.

Gay Rumour: Is Mike Just Solomon gay? 
Some have accused Just Solomon of being gay.

Dating, Relationship, Boyfriend, Girlfriend: Mike Just Solomon doesn't flaunt his relationship on his instagram or twitter page.

Married, Wife: Is Just Solomon married? Mike Just Solomon is not yet married.

Net Worth Of Mike Just Solomon: Mike Just Solomon Net Worth is about $300,000 US Dollars.

House, Cars: Mike Just Solomon lives in Lagos and drives nice cars.

Family, Siblings, Parents, Mother, Father: Mike Solomon (Nigeria) doesn't flaunt his family, parents, father, mother, siblings, sister, brother on his instagram, twitter and Tiktok.

All About Mike Solomon aka Just Solomon Biography

Social media influencer/ Content creator
Digital content creator, Social media personality, Influencer, Brand ambassador, Commercial model and Occasional actor. These are some of the labels people have used to describe Solomon and if you are what you do then they are somewhat correct. Mike Solomon, popularly know as “Justsolomon” on his social media platforms, is a teenager living in one of the fast paced and fastest growing urban centres in the world at a time of rapid digital transformation. Solomon is one of the most popular and most followed teens from Nigeria on the Tiktok ( one of the biggest and fast rising video creating app), he has worked with big established brands and entertainment companies, promoting their products and services. Inspired by himself, family, friends and his environment. Social media has been a tool to shape the world around him and understand it.

Mike Solomon TikTok Exploits In Nigeria

When Mike Solomon joined TikTok last year, he didn’t have too many expectations.

With a humble following of a little over a hundred people, the 19-year-old actor and model was just happy to have found a place where he could explore his passion for making videos and entertaining people.

But things took an interesting turn when his videos suddenly started getting more likes and comments. His follower count grew. And grew. And barely one year later, he had bagged over 67.4k followers, making him one of the top TikTik creators in Nigeria.

TikTok, a platform where users create and share short videos — often dancing or lip-synching to a soundtrack, started out as in 2014, attracting millions of users across the world.

Mike solomon father
Mike solomon nigeria birthday
Mike Solomon Twitter

2 Men Accuse Just Solomon Of Raping Them

Two men have accused popular social media influencer, Just Solomon of raping them. Mike Solomon, also known as Just Solomon is very popular on Instagram and TikTok.

marcus scribner’s twin @theedexterr

So I would never have come out if not for @daeveess and @onwukajefferson but man, i can’t let this pass again....people are going to look at him and not know the kinds of things he does behind closed doors. @justsolomon_ and I were friends since late 2018. A THREAD

at the time , we were in the same university (UNN) but different campuses. After a few months of friendship, Solomon started making advances towards me...from the way he’d refer to me as baby( which i didn’t mind because of the thought that it was just a bromance).

then it went to hugs and all of that. I remember when I went to visit him one time and he hugged me and I could feel his bulging penis on my was irking.

Another couple of months Solomon told me to come and do a shoot saying that he wants me to join his agency and when I asked what kind of shoot...he told me that it’s a nude shoot, when I asked him who the photographer is, he told me that it’s him that will take it with his iPhone

Somehow somehow we were able to read the matter and out of no where, the guy told me that he’s “in love with me”. I don’t judge, and all na because I’m a very relaxed person and I felt in my heart that this boy was confused plus I didn’t want to be labeled “homophobic “.

Our relationship as friends became rocky because of that night but we reconciled after.

Now skip to the important part, there was a time I went to his campus to get something and whenever I’m in his campus I’d stay over at his place. Now that night, I tried to keep my distance from him as much as possible to the extent that I’d stay at the other edge of his room.

This guy started making real life advances and at one point, he pulled my trousers down to check the size of my penis. In my head I already wanted to leave but it was like 11pm so where the Bleep would I go. I decided to call my friend and talk to her till this guy fell asleep.

but this boy is persistent, he was so uneasy and couldn’t stay one place but at least he wasn’t disturbing me or so I thought. After some time this guy came to cuddle me while I was still on the phone call and out of nowhere he pulled my shorts down and started giving me head.

Now the funny thing about same sex molestation is that every single power or muscle or fighting spirit you think you have will fucking disappear. I couldn’t move or even resist so I just let it happen, to even shout was hard because i felt if someone came into his apartment.

And saw us then I would have been labeled as gay which I’m not. I became totally lifeless and the only thing my mouth would allow me to utter was “no penetration please”...i said it over and over again but this boy no gree, he turned me over...poured spit on his hands

and started trying to enter me. Only the cap of his dick entered and this guy was forcing himself still, I felt pain, so much fucking pain and I was just closing my eyes and begging my body to move and do something until he finished, came on my back and told me to go shower.

I entered that bathroom and I kept calling myself unclean. The next morning I left back to my campus and the next week he texted me about what happened and o told him to dead the p but this guy said no, that I’m making him feel used and I’ve broken his heart,

he even texted me telling me he wants a relationship with me and that he would his babe to be with me....he promised modeling jobs, shoots and all of that and I kept on saying no.

The pathetic thing about me was that I thought I could still be friends with and hopefully change this guy and I kept on treating him like one of my guys and ignored the whole p but he kept bringing up and started playing the fucking victim in our conversation!

Our final fallout was when I was asking him whether he’d still host my event that was scheduled for last year December and he told me that I should talk to his father about it and he started insulting me and yarning me that he loved me and I broke his heart

and that every business we have should only be directed to his father then he unfollowed me and that’s where he ended.

Mike Solomon is a manipulative conniving psychopathic rapist and I don’t know how much effect my experience will have but my prayer is that he gets what he fucking deserves at the end of the day.

Nnamdi @onwukajefferson

Everybody is posting “NO MEANS NO” and you’re also posting it? Are you not the same guy who molests and assaults people? Especially (“BOYS”) undecided Omo nobody should allow me talk abeg, fucking hypocrite.

I was sexually molested by @justsolomon_ _ A THREAD,, Around October last year i had an encounter with him (we used to be really good friends I went to see him a few days after i got back from SA,, we laughed and he asked me how my trip went and i told him about everything,

we even made jokes about the girls i hooked up with over there, now shit took a rather strange turn when he told me he wanted to speak to me about something, He then proceeded to ask me to sleep with him.......

i thought it was a joke because i Mean he knows I’m straight as my friend he should know I love women , I refused to adhere to his request and he got pissed off and started giving some kind of vibes, trying to guilt trip in every way

I mean I’m saying this neega offered to give me money (10k) to think about it and that was where i got pissed off, he went into his kitchen (still upset) and started banging on the door, refrigerator, he was basically showing his aggression and in my mind I was like if he

Tries anything funny imma beat him tf up and He won’t survive it, instead of putting myself in that situation I left and he texted me after asking me why i left and why I was being a “KID” lol after everything we saw like twice and after the whole saga our relationship became

Rocky and we stopped being friends ever since,, There has been similar complaints from allot of people with similar experiences and I mean because they’re boys they wouldn’t want to come out and say things like this because of what people would say or how people would react to it

I’m honestly trying to save someone from trying to go through the same thing because he’s a manipulative and a smart ass person, this isn’t even about me anymore, it’s about the next person he tries it with, would he be able to overcome?

Screenshots from the event which happened last October and screenshots of him apologizing because i threatened to start putting these out

Just Solomon Instagram Page Account Handle justsolomon_ justsolomon_
Creator | Social media influencer

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Mike Solomon age
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Mike Solomon Nigeria biography 
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Mike Solomon Nollywood actor

Mike Solomon Nigeria biography
Mike Solomon biography
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Mike Solomon biography
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