This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Nikki Fe Fe Biography, Age, Pictures, Husband, Net Worth, Comedy

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Latest Instagram Photos: About Nikki Fe Fe Videos, Bio, Wikipedia, Age, Birthday, Family, Parents, Boyfriend, State Of Origin, Educational Background, Siblings, Nigerian Runs Girl, Prostitute, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Lovers,

Who Is Nikki FeFe?

Nikki Fe Fe is a Nigerian Comedian, slay queen, celebrity prostitute and runs girl who is popular on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for her hot comments and posts.

Salary, Net Worth: Nikki Fe Fe surprised her Instagram followers when she said most of the men who would like to have a fling with her can’t afford her services and went on to show off the money a man laying on the bed, awaiting her services, paid her.

Thefamousnaija recalls that Nikki Fe Fe earlier claimed she can't take less than N450k for a night.

Showing off the wad of cash which she claims is N200k, the lady revealed that a man — visibly seen laying on a bed behind her — paid her the amount so she can “render her services” to him.

Nikki FeFe Facebook profile bio says she graduated from Imo State University.

Nikki FeFe biography
Who is Nikki FeFe
About Nikki FeFe
Nikki FeFe runsgirl
Nikki FeFe age, family, state of origin
Nikki Fe Fe birthday
How old is Nikki Fe Fe
Where is Nikki Fe Fe from
Nikki Fe Fe boyfriend
Nikki Fe Fe net Worth
Nikki FeFe  patents, father, mother

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