This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Meet Raphael Atewe, Biography, Age, Instagram, Wiki, Wife, Nollywood Actor, CHUXIPRO Pictures, Net Worth

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Who Is Raphael Atewe Chux? biography, Instagram, Age, Movies, Birthday, Wikipedia, Married? CHUXIPRO Pictures, State Of origin, Wife, Parents, Girlfriend

Raphael Atewe is a Nollywood actor, Nigerian model, photographer who is the CEO of CHUXIPRO Pictures.

Age, Birthday, Date Of Birth: Raphael Atewe was born on March 25.

Atewe Raphael Chux often features in Ruth Kadiri's movies.

Movies: Raphael Atewe has featured in the following Nollywood movies: I Killed A Man, Enemy Call, Tenderline, Big Brother among others.

Instagram Account Page Handle ateweraphael
Atewe Raphael Chux 🔵
#TheActorModelPhotographer. #itakeRisks, #HailJESUS!! c.e.o CHUXIPRO PICTURES

Raphael Atewe biography
Raphael Atewe height
Raphael Atewe age
Raphael Atewe birthday
Raphael Atewe Wikipedia
Raphael Atewe nollywood actor
Raphael Atewe instagram
Is Raphael Atewe married
Raphael Atewe wife
Raphael Atewe movies

Atewe Raphael Chux state of origin
How old is Atewe Raphael Chux
Atewe Raphael Chux bio, wiki
Who is Atewe Raphael Chux
Atewe Raphael Chux parents, father, mother

Atewe Raphael Chux movies
Atewe Raphael Chux Nigerian actor
Atewe Raphael Chux net Worth
Atewe Raphael Chux girlfriend
Where is Raphael Atewe from
Raphael Atewe pictures, images, photos
Raphael Atewe shirtless photos
Raphael Atewe fitness, muscles, gym

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