This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

8 Things To Know About Aunty Success Madubuike Biography, Age, Family, Wikipedia, Birthday, Parents, Markangel Comedy

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Aunty Success Madubuike Bio, Real Age, Wikipedia, Wiki, Parents, Father, Mother, Family, Birthday, Markangel Comedy, Movies, Net Worth

1 Aunty Success is a child comedian (comedienne)   and Nigerian actress

2 Aunty Success real name is Success Madubuike

3 Aunty Success was born on 19 July 2013 in Port Harcourt

4 Success features in Mark Angel Comedy skit which brought her to limelight

5 In 2019, Aunty Success travelled to Dubai for the first time with Daddy Humble, the guy who always acts like her father in several episodes of Mark Angel Comedy skit

6 Aunty Success is one of the most paid and popular child comedians and actresses in Nigeria

7 Aunty Success joined the Mark Angel Comedy crew in late 2017

8 Aunty Success is from Imo state but lives in Port Harcourt, Rivers state with her family, parents - father and mother

Who is Aunty success parents?
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Who is Aunty success?
Who is Aunty success parents?
Who is Aunty success?
Who is Aunty success parents?

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aunty success madubuike


Who is Aunty success?
What is Aunty success real name?
Who is Aunty success father?

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Who is Aunty success?
What is Aunty success real name?
Who is Aunty success?
Who is Aunty success parents?
How old is Mark Angel success?

Comedians in Nigeria
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Comedians in Nigeria
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success madubuike age
aunty success madubuike
aunty success family
aunty success parents
aunty success father
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aunty success net worth


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