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Who Is Oluwa Of Lagos, Chris Nasi Monisola? Biography, Age, Gay, Wikipedia, Boyfriend, Transgender, Birthday, Family, Parents

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All About Oluwa Of Lagos. Meet Chris Nasi Monisola, Bio, Wiki, Gay,  Boyfriend, Nigerian Transgender Model, Coronavirus, State Of Origin, Mother, Father, Parents, Throwback Photos Of Oluwa Of Lagos Before Fame

Meet Chris Nasi Monisola aka Oluwa Of Lagos

Who is Chris Nasi Monisola aka Oluwa Of Lagos?

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.Artists model fashionista and beauty goddess 
DM for business brand influencer

Oluwa Of Lagos History
Oluwa Lagos Bobrosky
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Oluwa Of Lagos Wikipedia
Oluwa Of Lagos age
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Oluwa Of Lagos birthday
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Oluwa Of Lagos family, parents, Mother, father
Oluwa Of Lagos real name , date of birth
Is Oluwa Of Lagos gay
Oluwa Of Lagos transgender
Oluwa Of Lagos boyfriend
Oluwa Of Lagos coronavirus
Oluwa Of Lagos State of origin
How old is Oluwa Of Lagos
Chris Nasi Monisola bio
Chris Nasi Monisola wiki
Chris Nasi Monisola biography
Oluwa Of Lagos Chris Nasi Monisola
Oluwa Of Lagos and Jaruma - Jaaruma Empire

Oluwa Of Lagos is a Nigerian cross dresser, fashion model, who many believe is a gay - homosexual or transgender. Oluwa of Lagos whose real name is Chris Nasi Monisola is said to hold a Ph.D in accounting but the claim is unverified. Oluwa Of Lagos was born in 1990. Oluwa Of Lagos revealed his mother used to dress him like a girl at age 13 thus blamed his mum for turning a cross-dresser. Oluwa of Lagos and his rival, Bobrisky have been having long online battle.


Nigerian cross dresser, Chris Nasi Monisola, popularly known as Oluwa Lagos tested postive for coronavirus alone side with his footballer boyfriend.

The cross dresser announced this on his Instagram verified page.

He noted that he recently returned to Nigeria from London with his boyfriend from a business trip.

At first he said he didn't believe in corona virus but unfortunately, after seeing some covid19 symptoms, both of them decided to go test and the result came back positive.

He urged his fans to stay at home, in order to curtail the spread of the disease and also ask for their prayers

Oluwa Lagos Slams Bobrisky For Hacking His Instagram

Popular Nigerian transgender, Oluwa Lagos has sent Bobrisky a note of warning, saying "you have class but you are not acting classy". Oluwa Lagos added by saying, Bobrisky light might be shining everywhere but he should remember after light comes darkness. Oluwa Lagos also accursed Bobrisky of hacking his previous Instagram account.

Well, Bobrisky claims he owns the Internet and the ‘crown’ is for no one but him as he shared on his Instagram post. Sharing a photo of himself collecting some money, the cross-dresser hinted that he is a ‘senator’s girlfriend’

He wrote: “Senator girlfriend… Did I hear there is another upcoming Bobrisky? You go hustle tire… My crown is for no one.”

Now, the big question is... Who do you think truly deserve the throne, Bobrisky or Oluwa Lagos???

I Cut Off My Manhood To Make It Real - Oluwa Lagos Tells Bobrisky, Tonto Dikeh

29 year old PhD holder in account, Chris Nasi Monisola popularly known as Oluwa Lagos went to the extreme to prove to his counterpart Bobrisky and Tonto Dikeh that he's not just a cross dresser but also a transgender.

Oluwa Lagos claims everything about Bobrisky is audio and fake, he shaded Bobrisky saying that he should try and start living real life, living fake life is old version.

He added, saying he cut off his manhood for him to make it real, and then throw a question to Bobrisky if he can do that?.

Without Jaruma, Oluwa Lagos Is Nothing, Meet The Lady Behind Oluwa Lagos

Oluwa Lagos confesses that Jaruma is her goddess queen and that without Jaruma she won’t have all the riches, top politicians musicians and other big business men for her self.

The transgender said:

Have I ever thought that one day I would be able to share my story with the rest of the world? I would never think so, not even for a second. But here I am ready to write a few words about myself and that particular person that made me the person I am today.

Most people thinks Jaruma works are satanic, devilish and doesn't bring good fortunes but here I am today, I'm a living witness to Jaruma works.

Oluwa Lagos claims her pussy is test and stay Forever, she is advising house wife to shop with Jaruma and keep their men to themselves.

Beware From Poor People" - Oluwa Lagos Share His Experience

Chris Nasi Monisola popularly known as Oluwa Lagos stated his reasons why he stop having poor people as friends. The cross dresser claims poor people don't bother to know the wellbeing of those helping them, all they care about is their own problems not minding others problems.

He added that, the moment you start talking with poor friends, the next thing is billing, not minding how he is making his money, then the moment you refused, all of a sudden they will start calling you all sort of names.

He draw to a conclusion by saying his hustle is for him and his family, that if he dies now, his family will be the one to suffer not those people you call friends.

Nigerian Cross-dresser Blames Mother For Making Him Dress And Behave Like A Woman From Childhood.

Chris Nasi Monisola, one of Nigeria Cross dresser popularly known as Oluwa Lagos blame his mom for making him a crosser dresser during an interview with Hiptv were he narrated his life history.

He said:

“I was 13 when it happened, but in no way equipped with what I was expected to deal with.

As I found myself agreeing to a my mum’s suggestion because she’s always crying of not giving birth to a female child after giving birth to 4 male child, and before I’d even acknowledged that I started behaving like a girl just to make her happy.

And despite my own shortcomings, there was one person I blamed for everything I experienced: my mom.

If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t have that mentality in the first place. I agreed to it because she asked me to—and because I wanted to see her happy.

Agreeing to something she wanted for me could be a fresh start, especially since she’d lost her husband merely days before.

I felt guilty for saying anything but yes.

So the fact that I agreed, she started buying me female troys and stop me for playing with other male children.

It started with her, and so it had to end with her.

I lived with this feeling for years. The resentment turned to anger. The anger turned to bitterness. And the bitterness led me to blame her more.

Over time, I grew pretty tired of feeling like that. I didn’t see what function it had in my life. I was ready to feel differently to the extend of me cutting of my manhood just for me to look completely like a female

But my feelings towards her didn’t change after some miraculous revelation or insightful discussion. The more I questioned her, the more I understood her. And the more I understood her, the more compassion I felt toward her.

Compassion didn’t have any room for judgment, resentment, or bitterness.

It did, however, have a lot of room for understanding.

And compassion taught me three clear steps that led me to forgive her:

One: Recognize that parents are human, too.

As the children of our parents, we often forget they had a life before us. They had experiences and challenges; they made mistakes and felt joy and regret.

Two: Question them to understand them.

This is both the most difficult and the most rewarding of the three steps, especially if your parents have done something seemingly unimaginable.

If you’ve had parents that have abused you in any way, questioning why they did this can be incredibly challenging.

It means you have to take yourself back to when it happened. Replay it in your head and put yourself in their shoes.

By asking more questions, and seeing events from their perspective, your mind begins to open.

And this took me to the last step which is Forgive them.

The understanding that you build about your parents could lead you to feel more resentment toward them.

But this is unlikely.

Because questioning leads to compassion, and compassion has a tendency to lead to forgiveness.

And forgiveness means you can start to heal.

Forgive them because it’s a remedy to your pain.

Forgive them because they, too, can make mistakes.

Forgive them because they’re human.

I found myself forgiving my mom far quicker than I thought I would. Once she told me the pressure her relatives put her under pressure for not giving birth to female child, I saw that she acted in the best way she thought at the time.

It became impossible not to forgive her and move on.”

This article comes with one huge caveat: your parents’ cooperation in this isn’t guaranteed.

They must be willing to open up a dialogue with you for you to have your questions answered.

And it will be tough, especially when they are forced to face their actions, demons, challenges, and frustrations.

This means you have to see the bigger picture and be the bigger person.

It means you must have the courage to take the first step. And you have to accept that there is some understandable explanation for their behavior if they aren’t willing or able to share it, even if they aren’t able to take responsibility for what they’ve done.

None of this is easy, but it’s worth it to heal the wounds from your past.

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