This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Are Ifeanyi Kalu And Kalu Ikeagwu Brothers, Related? (Photos)

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Ifeanyi Kalu And Kalu Ikeagwu Are They Brothers?

Many think that Ifeanyi Kalu and Kalu Ikeagwu are brothers. First, they have same name 'Kalu'. While Ifeanyi Kalu has 'Kalu' as his surname, Kalu Ikeagwu has 'Kalu' as his first name.

Again, While Ifeanyi Kalu is from Imo State, Kalu Ikeagwu is from Achara, Ihechiowa, Arochukwu in Abia State, Nigeria.

 Kalu Ikeagwu

More so, Ifeanyi Kalu is an only son of his parents. He has 4 sisters and he is the last born. So Kalu Ikeagwu can't be his brother. Although Ifeanyi Kalu and Kalu Ikeagwu are both Nollywood actors, bear same name and kinda lookalike, but they are not brothers.

 Ifeanyi Kalu

Some think Kalu Ikeagwu is from Ohafia in Abia but, he corrected that impression on Twitter. Kalu Ikeagwu is from Achara, Ihechiowa, Arochukwu LGA in Abia State Nigeria.


  1. Liar ikeagwu Kalu is from Abia State ohafia not Anambra State


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