This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Video: Policeman And Army Officer Fight In Lagos

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It's always shameful and interesting to see Nigerian security officers clash.

A policeman clashed with an army officer in Lagos.

A policeman hit an army officer in his bus who wasn't in his uniform over a dispute of bribe. Only for the police officer to later realized that the man was a top army officer.

This happened around Iyana Iba Mile 2 road. Thefamousnaija gathered from Dr. Sly that the army layer took the police to the barracks, not even far from the scene.

A Nigerian, Citizen Barrister, who reacted to the video said:

"@HQNigerianArmy must address the level of indiscipline & lawlessness among its men. The policeman was wrong to have hit the soldier bt the dispute ought not to have denegerated into such a shameful physical tusslet.There are more sensible ways to resolve this."

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