This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Who Is Maraji? Biography, Age Of Gloria Oloruntobi, Net Worth, Comedian

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Meet Maraji? Biography, Age Of Gloria Oloruntobi, Net Worth, Comedian, Bio, Wiki, Charges N1m For Instagram dvert Content, Actress, Her Anti-Islam Posts

Maraji has set social media Ablaze with her post about Jesus being the Only way to heaven on Salah Day. While some see it as nothing, many see it as Anti-Islam.

Maraji (Real name Gloria Oloruntobi) is the highest earning Nigerian Content Creator on Instagram. She charges N1 million and beyond to create an advert video for brands.

Maraji is a Nigerian millennial familiar. She has over 1.1m followers on Instagram and another 97.4k on Twitter. Both accounts carry the name, @Maraji_

Circa 2011, creators like Craze Clown, Mark Angel and his protege, Emmanuella,EmmaOhMaGad and importantly, Maraji — who came slightly later — became stars by leveraging their raw talent.

Social media gave them the platform and content were being consumed almost instantaneously. At the root of their respective successes are internet, social media, talent, originality, great content, creativity, videographic sense and a a sense of direction.

Seven years later, Maraji is a star. Her videos generate thousands of views across all social media platforms and YouTube. Through the ever changing scape of advertising, she also started making money.

Asides that, her talent has also be noticed by a few. In 2017, rapper Falz — another beneficiary of social media comics — tapped her to be a lead character in his music video for single, Something Light opposite, Ycee.

Who then is Maraji?

Real name, Gloria Oluruntobi and born on February 6, 1997. She has one sister and two brothers. She also seems family oriented as her mother regularly features on her skits.

She is a 21-year old comedian, actor, singer, dancer and creative from Edo State — though she grew up in Lagos.

In 2017, she graduated from Covenant University, Nigeria with a 2:1 in International Relations before completing her National Youth Service Corps.

You might know her. She is that you see on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube, with the handle, Maraji where she mimics numerous Nigerian peculiarities for humour and empirical relevance.

Usually, she plays multiple roles in these videos and effortlessly switches between accents and vocal pitches to suit each character she plays, all in two minute or under videos.

Through she years, she has worked to earn a reputation in an industry that only recognises prowess or connections.

How she started

Interestingly, Stargist claims she started out by uploading lip-sync videos in social media. When those made her famous, she moved into comedy skits.

In an April 2016 with R2TV Breakfast Show, she claimed that her lip-sync sojourn started when she was in her third year, second semester and she was bored — like she always is.

Some reactions to her controversial "Jesus Is The Only Way To Heaven" post

Watch Some of her videos

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