This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Video: Lady Assaults A Huge Guy At A Fast Food Restaurant. See Reactions

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A viral video of a beautiful and curvy young lady assaulting a tall, huge man in an eatery has sparked outrage and controversy online.

In the video a well-shaped lady was seen assaulting and harassing a man who appears to be her boyfriend at a fast food restaurant.

The man had bought ice-cream, other food items and carried it on a tray while walking towards the lady. She attacked the guy, ranting and spilled the ice-cream on him and also poured the things he was carrying away.

She equally slapped the huge guy, hitting him. Meanwhile people there were busy minding their business while some were just looking as the lady assaulted the guy.

This has got people talking and arguing. Imagine what would have happened if it were the guy that did all that to the lady.

"Anytime men are assaulted, bullied, insulted and ridiculed by women, there seems to be no rage but if it's women, it's a BOOM. The world of men could be painful at times." - Social Media Influencer, Philip Obin said while reacting to the video.

Watch the viral video and see more reactions....

Dayo Adeoye:" Just walk away man they are weaker sure lowkey people who are advocates of hitting women back are weak men....if i happen to see any guy hit any female in my family i ll make sure i break his hands legit and that's gon be man on man ...he dead af"

Ben Dazi: "I have always said that the biggest scam of our lifetime is the assertion that women are the weaker sex. That is a lie from the pit of hell. It is only a well-crafted ploy by the women to subdue men and take over their authority! Guess what, they are succeeding!"

IHustle @sheyirealtor:" Can he walk away every time this happens? Women will repeat this a million times cos they know u will always walk away.. I can walk away the first time but if she takes a cue and repeat this nonsense again, I go woze am slap, na that time her brain go reset."

MR JB @bio_jibril: "To so many present there, it was a fun watching a woman harassing a man, but if the man was the one harassing the woman, it was not going to be a fun, it would have immediately attracted international condemnation. Some women have become reckless in the name of being women."

Simon Jacob idakwo: "70% of verbal assault come from women first, it is when the man respond or react that it becomes an assault. God will judge the world oo."

Meanwhile, we gathered that the huge guy in the video is popular for pulling such crazy act. He is an entertainer. We believe it's a publicity stunt. 

Watch the video

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