This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Governor Masari Vs HIs Pot-Bellied Permanent Secretary As Reno Omokri Reacts

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Here is the moment Governor Masari of Katsina was spotted exchanging pleasantries with people who bowed to greet him.

The first two shook him and bowed a little to greet him. But on getting to the 3rd man with big stomach, who is allegedly a permanent secretary and an associate with the Governor, Governor Masari playfully tapped the man's big pot-belly and the man in return tapped the Governor at the back.

But this is the reaction and caption Reno Omokri gave to the video:

"This video will make your day. WATCH it and thank me later!
The look that Governor Masari gave the third man who refused to bow and shake him is PRICELESS."

Then a man, AD Umar @aliyudanja fired back at Reno Omokri:

"You are too mischievous @renoomokri
giving negative interpretation of a friendly gesture by Governor Masari towards his Permanent Secretary and very close associate. Your negative thoughts towards Hausa Fulani muslims will surely lead you to an early grave. Amen."

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