This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Ali Baba Warns Ladies Who Slap Men

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Ladies Who Slap Men Should Beware — Alibaba

Popular comedian, Ali Baba, has used two videos of a dog att.acking a tiger and another video of a lady destroying a man's car as an analogy to admonish ladies that att.ack, slap men.

And it has since gone viral.
On the video of a dog attacking a tiger, Ali Baba wrote:

The fact that some people step back when you are angry and raise your voice, doesn't mean they cannot do anything about it. Most times, it's best to be better advised.
Most times, the reason the person is not walking away from your rant, #IsThatThingAroundHisNeck. Here it's the chain. Could well be the job, the respect he has for you, financial dependency, religion, what will people say, I was brought up to know better, that Kenny Rogers' song that said "You don't have to fight to be a man", fear of committing a murder, all these gender activist,...
Because, one day, just one day, when the same people are pushed to the wall... your barking and grand standing will be humbled.
Empty vessels make the loudest noise. A great philosopher once said, "No go dey do pass your seffff!"
Those ladies that like to slap men, be warned. He is gentle. Ok. Until "otoge!"

On the video of a lady destroying a man's car, the comedian wrote:

"You may have the reason that made you angry. But your anger will only become a problem when you express it by destroying properties. Trust me, unless the person who owns the car doesn't want to press charges, she will pay till the last strike. She will pay till the last dime
Sometime in 2017, one lady got upset because of a SKYPE video from another lady she believed was chasing her Bobo and she shredded her boyfriend's documents, that included his NYSC discharge, his Hull University certificate, his INSEAD MBA documents ETC

She was angry.
When the matters cooled down, it was agreed that to solve the issues, she had to foot the bill of getting all the documents.
As my friend, I asked her sometime ago, how she went about it. She said she felt good doing it. That the sound of the shredding machine consoled her. But she had to buy tickets and took care of logistics to help get all the documents she destroyed.
But the most expensive part was that she lost a good man. She agreed she should have handled it better."

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