This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Twitter Slay Queen, Jesusbaby Omohteee12, Bounces Back After Cheating On Her Boyfriend With Twitter Slay King

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Nigerian Twitter Slay Queen, Jesusbaby
@omohteee12 who went viral after she was exposed on Twitter is back online after taking a break from Twitter.

TheFamousNaija recalls that Jesusbaby was exposed after she cheated on her boyfriend with a Twitter Slay Queen Who used and dumped her.

Read the earlier story HERE if you missed it

Coming back online today, Jesusbaby wrote:

"I’m doing ok and I’m still here still breathing.
-thanks to everyone that called/dm or texted me I truly appreciate but I just needed some time-out." 

"I was told to allow myself to feel whatever I’m feeling and I don’t want to start tweeting my feelings that’s why I went off." 

"To everyone in my mention/dm that has looked out for me and worried about me thank you." 

"To everyone that called or texted, I saw everything thanks.

To the generous therapist that is walking me through this without knowing me and never judged me thank u❤️" 

"I’m doing Ok 🙏🏾✨

Dupe came all the way from Ibadan just to stay with me and make sure I don’t hurt myself🥺😭❤️

-I don’t deserve this friendship".

Thank God she's doing well.

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