This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

The Lagos Bride Was Cheating On The Groom: Why He Canceled The Wedding And Dumped Her (Video)

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Yesterday, Nigerians were shocked to see a groom walk away on his wedding day, "Shouting I No Do Again".

The event took place at Kilo, Lagos state after church wedding, at the Reception.

Many were wondering why the groom had to dump the bride on the wedding, the bride begged him so much yet he refused.

Now, the main reason why the groom dumped the bride on their wedding day was because the bride CHEATED on him.

He groom revealed how the bride has been cheating on him. He couldn't take it and had to disgrace her on the wedding day by canceling the wedding.

Watch the video moment the groom revealed how the bride cheated....

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