This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Man Proposes To His Girlfriend As She Bags A Degree At Her Graduation

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She bagged a degree and became a fiancée at the same time.

A beautiful video of a young lady graduating and getting proposed to same day and same spot has gone viral and also sparked an online debate.

The lady was still on stage wearing her graduation gown when her boyfriend emerged, knelt down and proposed to marry her. Everybody, including lecturers, professors, students were astonished!

She said yes and the crowd cheered them up by shouting and clapping for them.

While many saw it as romantic and beautiful, bagging a degree and getting marriage proposal same time, others didn't see it as such. Some claim the man took away her shine, took the spotlight away from her. Some others wondered what would have happened if the lady had said no.

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