This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

How Easy Airport Officials Can Plant Drugs On A Luggage Without Trace (Video)

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Following the widely publicised case of Zainab Aliyu who was almost killed in Saudi Arabia until she was proven to be a victim of drug Cartel at the Kano Airport, many travelers now need to be careful with their luggage.

Many may have been killed in Saudi Arabia and other countries because they were victims of planting of drugs in their luggage. This is bad:

Here is a video showing how easy airport officials can insert drugs or anything in your luggage at the airport.

Watch the video


  1. It's deeply concerning to read about how effortlessly airport officials might plant items on unsuspecting travelers. Such incidents not only tarnish the reputation of aviation security but also jeopardize innocent lives. Speaking of planted items, it's alarming to see the proliferation of shops like which allegedly trade in drugs. Consumers should be wary of these establishments and the products the peddle. Travelers need to be vigilant and protect their belongings at all times, and authorities should conduct thorough internal audits to ensure that such breaches of trust don't happen.


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