This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Most Prostitutes In Germany Are From Nigeria Or Eastern Europe - Reports

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A video documentary focuses on prostitution and human trafficking in Germany.

The video documentary report reveals that most women working in prostitution in Germany are migrants – many of them are victims of human trafficking, most of the women are from Eastern Europe or Nigeria.

Some estimates say up to 90% of the women in prostitution in Germany are migrants. While prostitution is mainly legal in Germany, many of the women in the business are victims of human trafficking. They are often lured with false promises of well-paid work and then forced into prostitution when they arrive Europe.

A new law was introduced in Germany in July 2017. It was meant to identify victims of human trafficking. It requires people in prostitution to register and attend a health counseling interview.

In Germany there is an organization called K.O.K that help migrants and victims of human trafficking.

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