This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Pastor David Ayepolabo Advice To A Wife Whose Husband Defiled 3 Of Their Children Aged 5, 6 And 12 Shocks Nigerians! (Video)

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A Nigerian Pastor, David Ayepolabo, has incurred the anger of Nigerians. The pastor shocked Nigerians with his response and advice to a very ugly situation.

TV personality and sex educator, Lolo Cynthia Aka Lolo CY shared a shocking video on social media and Instagram and Twitter users are enraged about its content.

The video is centered on a discussion about what should be done after a father sexually molested his 3 children.

During a show on Dove TV – the official channel of The Redeemed Christian Church of God – the show host had asked a counselor, Pastor David Ayepolabo, what ought to be done when a father rapes his children aged 5, 6, and 12.

His advice to the woman her husband defiled their children has got Nigerians talking.

A father defiled 3 of his children aged 5 ,6 and 12.
Listen to the advice shared on a live Christian show on DOVE TV!

Pastor David Ayepolabo advised the woman:

"what I advise is that, that woman should go to her pastor, somebody who can help her to call the attention of the man to what he has done and they will prayerfully deliver the man, that's what is needful here."

The pastor was asked if the woman should leave the marriage because of the scandalous ask.

He said:

"What If she moves and he commits Suicide?"

A female caller on the live Christian show said the woman should remain in the house. The caller said:

"what has happened has happened, if she now leaves that house, by that time the secret will be Leaked, it is better she prays."

Both the Pastor and the caller's advice angered Nigerians that reacted.

Watch the video below and see reactions from angry Nigerians.


What do you should be done in this situation? 

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