This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Nigerians Sleeping Under Lagos Bridge: BBC Documentary

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Life Under The Bridge In Lagos Exposed By BBC Documentary!

BBC spent a day with three men who came to Lagos to hustle and look for a better life, but found themselves sleeping under a flyover in Lagos.

A recent episode of BBC’s “Homeless in Lagos” profiled 23-year-old Christian, Manchester United fan, Godwin. He claims he sleeps under the bridge because housing in Lagos is expensive; the average apartment costs between NGN150K and NGN200K — he only has NGN50, 000 after working hard.

Godwin told BBC:
“When I was in my final year, I used to hear; there’s money in Lagos, there’s work in Lagos. My aim was to come and work, I did not even plan to live under a bridge.” 

Despite his education, Godwin is now an agbero in Lagos, he helps drivers load their buses for NGN50-NGN100. At the time BBC caught up to him, he had been doing that for four months.

BBC also interviewed another man suffering the effects of Boko Haram’s terrorism. He says:

“Despite the economic situation of this state, I’m still managing, living under a bridge. I won’t do this forever, my life will not end like this under bridge. I hope to one day return to my home and continue my life.”

The BBC documentary also features a man, whose legs, feet were peeled. He claims he has been living under thelLagos bridge for 14 years.

The documentary has gotten a lot of reactions from Nigerians.

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