This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Meet Renny Njemanze, Biography, Age: Segun Arinze & Anne Njemanze's Daughter Graduates From University (Pictures)

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Who is Renny Njemanze aka Beingrenny? 

Renny Njemanze is the daughter of actor Segun Arinze and actress Anne Njemanze. They both had her while they were still married.

Renny adopted her mother's surname 'Njemanze' instead of her father's name 'Arinze'.

Renny Njemanze was born on 10th of May 1997.
She recently graduated from the University at the age 21 years.

Renny Njemanze made headlines last year when she celebrated her 20th birthday.

Her actor father Segun Arinze celebrated her but she blasted him.

Segun Arinze took to his Instagram page to wish Renny a happy birthday.

He said, “Wow! Time sure does fly! My Daughter Renny is 20!! I wish you great wisdom, good health, long life, deep knowledge and whatever you lay your hands on will prosper.

You will be a role model to your peers. Ann God bless you for doing a great job! Happy Birthday, Renny.”

But Renny fired back at her father Segun Arinze.
She wrote:

“What is the meaning of this sir? You didn’t tag me, you don’t know my IG handle either.

“You’ve tagged other people and bloggers and you didn’t have the courtesy to call me to wish me a happy birthday and you are doing this online?

“What a pity. I would overly appreciate it if you stopped this. God bless.”

“One more thing sir, my mother’s name is spelt “Anne” not Ann. Stop being the rain on my parade and stop spreading lies.

I have never insulted you. STOP THESE LIES.”

Anne Njemanze and Segun Arinze were both A-List actors in the 1990s. They dated and later got married. The marriage only produced Renny before it crashed and they got divorced. While Segun Arinze remarried and is still married with kids, Anne Njemanze had another baby with another man after their divorce. She later married but the marriage crashed after 8 months.

Renny Njemanze graduated from the University in November 2018. She shared photos from her signing out and captioned them:

'Made it thus far. Thank you ever faithful God! 😇🙏👼'

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