This article was originally published on THEFAMOUSNAIJA.COM

Meet Amina Mohammed, The Most Beautiful And Highly Placed Woman From Northern Nigeria (Photos, Video)

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Meet Amina Mohammed, the Nigerian herder’s daughter who became UN deputy secretary General. 

Some see her as "an African with the queens English"

Watching this new video of Amina Mohammed, you will agree that she's not only very beautiful, but also quite intelligent.

Amina J. Mohammed. Amina Jane Mohammed was born on the 27th of June in 1961. She is the current Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations and a former Buhari's Minister of Environment.

Amina Mohammed is a mother of six who rose from a humble upbringing in the Lake Chad region to become a government minister and the UN’s second in command.

Amina mohammed at her daughter's wedding 

'Amina Mohammed's father, a Nigerian herdsman and a vet, met her mother, a nurse, while studying in Britain. After Mohammed finished her studies in Italy, her father demanded she return to Nigeria, and to a job – he promised – at the American consulate in Kaduna. When she arrived, though, it quickly became apparent there was no job.' The says.

As it stands today, Amina Mohammed seems to be the most beautiful, popular and highly placed Northern Nigerian woman.
Amina Mohammed sworn in as UN Deputy Secretary-General 

Meanwhile, watch the video above and tell us what you think about her. Isn't she too beautiful, decent and intelligent?

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